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nhanesA (version 1.3)

nhanesManifest: Download and parse NHANES manifests


Downloads and parses NHANES manifests for data tables and variables, and returns them as data frames.


  which = c("public", "limitedaccess", "variables"),
  sizes = FALSE,
  dxa = FALSE,
  component = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("verbose"),
  use_cache = TRUE,
  max_age = 24 * 60 * 60


A data frame, with columns that depend on


For a manifest of tables, columns are "Table", "DocURL", "DataURL", "Years", "Date.Published". If component is specified, an additional column "Description" giving a description of the table will be included. If sizes = TRUE, an additional column "DataSize" giving the data file sizes in bytes (as reported by the server) is included.

For limited access tables, the "DataURL" and "DataSize" columns are omitted.

For a manifest of variables, columns are "VarName", "VarDesc", "Table", "TableDesc", "BeginYear", "EndYear", "Component", and "UseConstraints".



Either "public" or "limitedaccess" to get a manifest of available tables, or "variables" to get a manifest of available variables.


Logical, whether to compute data file sizes (as reported by the server) and include them in the result.


Logical, whether to include information on DXA tables. These tables contain imputed imputed Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry measurements, and are listed separately, not in the main listing.


An optional character string specifying the component for which the public data manifest is to be downloaded. Valid values are "demographics", "dietary", "examination", "laboratory", and "questionnaire". Partial matching is allowed, and case is ignored. Specifying a component for the public manifest will return a subset of the tables, but has the advantage that the result will include a description of each table.


Logical flag indicating whether information on progress should be reported.


Logical flag indicating whether a cached version (from a previous download in the same session) should be used.


Maximum allowed age of the cache in seconds (defaults to 24 hours). Cached versions that are older are ignored, even if available.


The NHANES website maintains several listings (manifests) of tables and associated variables, which can be downloaded using these functions.

The list of tables for which data is available publicly can be found at https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes/search/DataPage.aspx, with further restriction to specific components possible by specifying an additional query parameter as below. This is the public manifest.

Limited access tables (also referred to as RDC only tables) are listed at https://wwwn.cdc.gov/Nchs/Nhanes/search/DataPage.aspx?Component=LimitedAccess. This is the limited access manifest.

Available variables are listed according to component at https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/search/variablelist.aspx?Component=Demographics, etc. These are the variable manifests.


Run this code
manifest <- nhanesManifest(sizes = FALSE)
varmf <- nhanesManifest("variables", component = "lab")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab