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nlme (version 3.1-149)

coef.lmList: Extract lmList Coefficients


The coefficients of each lm object in the object list are extracted and organized into a data frame, with rows corresponding to the lm components and columns corresponding to the coefficients. Optionally, the returned data frame may be augmented with covariates summarized over the groups associated with the lm components.


# S3 method for lmList
coef(object, augFrame, data, which, FUN,
   omitGroupingFactor, …)



an object inheriting from class "lmList", representing a list of lm objects with a common model.


an optional logical value. If TRUE, the returned data frame is augmented with variables defined in the data frame used to produce object; else, if FALSE, only the coefficients are returned. Defaults to FALSE.


an optional data frame with the variables to be used for augmenting the returned data frame when augFrame = TRUE. Defaults to the data frame used to fit object.


an optional positive integer or character vector specifying which columns of the data frame used to produce object should be used in the augmentation of the returned data frame. Defaults to all variables in the data.


an optional summary function or a list of summary functions to be applied to group-varying variables, when collapsing the data by groups. Group-invariant variables are always summarized by the unique value that they assume within that group. If FUN is a single function it will be applied to each non-invariant variable by group to produce the summary for that variable. If FUN is a list of functions, the names in the list should designate classes of variables in the frame such as ordered, factor, or numeric. The indicated function will be applied to any group-varying variables of that class. The default functions to be used are mean for numeric factors, and Mode for both factor and ordered. The Mode function, defined internally in gsummary, returns the modal or most popular value of the variable. It is different from the mode function that returns the S-language mode of the variable.


an optional logical value. When TRUE the grouping factor itself will be omitted from the group-wise summary of data but the levels of the grouping factor will continue to be used as the row names for the returned data frame. Defaults to FALSE.

some methods for this generic require additional arguments. None are used in this method.


a data frame inheriting from class "coef.lmList" with the estimated coefficients for each "lm" component of object and, optionally, other covariates summarized over the groups corresponding to the "lm" components. The returned object also inherits from classes "ranef.lmList" and "data.frame".


Pinheiro, J. C. and Bates, D. M. (2000), Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS, Springer, New York, esp. pp. 457-458.

See Also

lmList, fixed.effects.lmList, ranef.lmList, plot.ranef.lmList, gsummary


Run this code
fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age|Subject, data = Orthodont)
coef(fm1, augFrame = TRUE)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab