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nlme (version 3.1-158)

logLik.lmList: Log-Likelihood of an lmList Object


If pool=FALSE, the (restricted) log-likelihoods of the lm components of object are summed together. Else, the (restricted) log-likelihood of the lm fit with different coefficients for each level of the grouping factor associated with the partitioning of the object components is obtained.


# S3 method for lmList
logLik(object, REML, pool, ...)


either the sum of the (restricted) log-likelihoods of each lm

component in object, or the (restricted) log-likelihood for the

lm fit with separate coefficients for each component of




an object inheriting from class "lmList", representing a list of lm objects with a common model.


an optional logical value. If TRUE the restricted log-likelihood is returned, else, if FALSE, the log-likelihood is returned. Defaults to FALSE.


an optional logical value indicating whether all lm components of object may be assumed to have the same error variance. Default is attr(object, "pool").


some methods for this generic require additional arguments. None are used in this method.


José Pinheiro and Douglas Bates bates@stat.wisc.edu

See Also

lmList, logLik.lme,


Run this code
fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont)
logLik(fm1)   # returns NA when it should not

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