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nlmrt (version 2016.3.2)

summary.nlmrt: Summary output for nlmrt object.


Provide a summary output (but involving some serious computations!) of an object of class nlmrt from nlxb or nlfb from package nlmrt.


"summary"(object, ...)


An object of class 'nlmrt'
Any data needed for the function. We do not know of any!


returns an invisible copy of the nlmrt object.


summary.nlmrt performs a summary method for an object of class 'nlmrt' that has been created by a routine such as nlfb or nlxb for nonlinear least squares problems.

Issue: When there are bounded parameters, nls returns a Standard Error for each of the parameters. However, this summary does NOT have a Jacobian value (it is set to 0) for columns where a parameter is masked or at (or very close to) a bound. See the R code for the determination of whether we are at a bound. In this case, users may wish to look in the inst/dev-codes directory of this package, where there is a script seboundsnlmrtx.R that computes the nls() standard errors for comparison on a simple problem.

Issue: The printsum() of this object includes the singular values of the Jacobian. These are displayed, one per coefficient row, with the coefficients. However, the Jacobian singular values do NOT have a direct correspondence to the coefficients on whose display row they appear. It simply happens that there are as many Jacobian singular values as coefficients, and this is a convenient place to display them. The same issue applies to the gradient components.

See Also

Function nls(), packages optim and optimx.