formulaExp <- as.formula(VO2 ~ (t <= 5.883) * VO2res + (t > 5.883) *
(VO2res + (VO2peak - VO2res) *
(1 - exp(-(t - 5.883) / mu))))
O2K.nls1 <- nls(formulaExp, start = list(VO2res = 400, VO2peak = 1600, mu = 1), data = O2K)
niter <- 200
### To reach stable prediction intervals use far greater niter (>> 1000)
O2K.boot1 <- nlsBoot(O2K.nls1, niter = niter)
newdata <- data.frame(t = seq(0, 12, length.out = 50))
(pred.clim <- nlsBootPredict(O2K.boot1, newdata = newdata, interval = "confidence"))
(pred.plim <- nlsBootPredict(O2K.boot1, newdata = newdata, interval = "prediction"))
plotfit(O2K.nls1, smooth = TRUE, ylim = c(200, 1800))
lines(newdata$t, pred.clim[, 2], col = "red")
lines(newdata$t, pred.clim[, 3], col = "red")
lines(newdata$t, pred.plim[, 2], col = "blue")
lines(newdata$t, pred.plim[, 3], col = "blue")
### An example without giving newdata
# plot of data
plot(O2K$t, O2K$VO2)
# add of predictions computed using predict.nls()
pred <- predict(O2K.nls1)
points(O2K$t, pred, pch = 16)
# add of prediction intervals using nlsBootPredict()
(pred.plim <- nlsBootPredict(O2K.boot1, interval = "prediction"))
segments(O2K$t, pred.plim[, 2], O2K$t, pred.plim[, 3], col = "blue")
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