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nmfgpu4R (version

nmf: Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) on GPU


Computes the non-negative matrix factorization of a data matrix X using the factorization parameter r. Multiple algorithms and initialization methods are implemented in the nmfgpu library using CUDA hardware acceleration. Depending on the available hardware, these algorithms should outperform traditional CPU implementations.


"nmf"(data, r, algorithm = "mu", initMethod = "AllRandomValues", seed = floor(runif(1, 0, .Machine$integer.max)), threshold = 0.1, maxiter = 2000, runs = 1, parameters = NULL, useSinglePrecision = F, verbose = T, ssnmf = F, ...)
"nmf"(formula, data, ...)
"fitted"(object, ...)
"predict"(object, newdata, ...)


Other arguments
Data matrix of dimension n x m with n attributes and m observations. Please note that this differs from most other data mining/machine learning algorithms!
Factorization parameter, which affects the quality of the approximation and runtime.
Choosing the right algorithm depends on the data structure. Currently the following algorithms are implemented in the nmfgpu library:
  • mu: Multiplicative update rules presented by Lee and Seung [2] use a purely multiplicative update and are a special form of the gradient descent algorithm (special step parameter). The implemented update rules make use of the frobenius norm and therefore are faster than the Kullback-Leibler ones.
  • gdcls: Gradient Descent Constrained Least Squares (GDCLS) presented by Pauca et al [3,4] is a hybrid algorithm. It uses a least squares solver for updating matrix H and the multiplicative update rule for W as defined by Lee and Seung [2]. Additionaly the GDCLS algorithm uses the parameter lambda from the parameters argument to control the sparsity of the matrix H. As from the authors presented, the sparsity parameter lambda should be between 0.1 and 0.0001, but at least positive.
  • als: Alternating Least Squares (ALS) originally presented by Paatero and Tapper [1,4] uses a least squares solver for updating both matrices W and H.
  • acls: Alternating Constrained Least Squares (ACLS) presented by Langville et al [4] enhances the normal ALS algorithm by introducing sparsity parameters. Both lambdaW and lambdaH must be provided in the parameters argument and must be in the range of 0 and positive infinity.
  • ahcls: Alternating Hoyer Constrained Least Squares (AHCLS) presented by Langville et al [4] enhances the ACLS algorithm by introducing a second set of sparsity parameters. Additionaly to lambdaW and lambdaH the sparsity parameters alphaH and alphaW must be provided in the parameters argument. Both should be set in the range of 0.0 and 1.0, representing a percentage sparsity for each matrix. As recommended by the authors all four parameters should be set to 0.5 as starting values.)
  • nsnmf: Non-smooth Non-negative Matrix Factorization (nsNMF) presented by Pascual-Montano et al [6] is an enhancement to the multiplicative update rules [2]. With an extra parameter theta the user has control over the influence of the model. The value should be in the range of 0.0 and 1.0 to work like intended.
All initialization methods depend on the selected algorithm. Using the fact that a least squares type algorithm computes the matrix H in the first step, does make an initialization for H unnecessary. Therefore only the initialization method for matrix W will be executed for any least squares type algorithm.
  • CopyExisting: Initializes the factorization matrices W and H with existing values, which requires W and H to be set in the parameters argument. On the one hand this enables the user to chain different algorithms, for example using a fast converging algorithm for a base approximation and and a slow algorithm with better convergence properties to finish the optimization process. On the other hand the user can supply matrix intializations, which are not supported by this interface. Note: Both W and H must have the same dimension as they would have from the passed arguments X and r.
  • AllRandomValues: Initializes the factorization matrices W and H with uniformly distributed values between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 is excluded and 1.0 is included.
  • MeanColumns: Initializes the factorization matrix W by computing the mean of five random data matrix columns. The matrix H will be initialized as it would when using AllRandomValues.
  • k-Means/Random: Initializes the factorization matrix W by computing the k-Means cluster centers of the data matrix. The matrix H will be initialized as it would when using AllRandomValues. This method was presented by Gong et al [5] as initialization strategy H2.
  • k-Means/NonNegativeWTV: Initializes the factorization matrix W by computing the k-Means cluster centers of the data matrix. The matrix H will be initialized with the product t(W) %*% V, but all negative values are clamped to zero. This method was presented by Gong et al [5] as initialization strategy H4.
  • EIn-NMF: Initializes the factorization matrix W by computing the k-Means cluster centers of the data matrix. The matrix H will be initialized with a prefix sum equation to build weighted encoding vectors. This method was presented by Gong et al [5] as initialization strategy H5.
The seed is used to initialize the random number generators for initializing the factorization matrices. Setting this argument to a fixed value ensures the same initialization of the matrices. This can be handy for benchmarking different algorithms with the same initialization.
First convergence criterion: The threshold is used to determine if the algorithm has converged to a local minimum by checking the difference between the last frobenius norm and the current one. If it is below the threshold, then the algorithm is assumed to be converged.
Second convergence criterion: If the first convergence criterion is not reached, but a maximum number of iterations, the execution of the algorithm will be aborted.
Performs the specified amount of runs and stores the best factorization result.
A list of additional parameters, which are required by some algorithm and initMethod values.
By default R only knows about double precision numerical data types. If this parameter is set to true, then the algorithm will convert the double precision data to single precision for computation. The result will be converted back to double precision data.
By default information about the factorization process and current status will be written to the console. For silent execution verbose=T may be passed, preventing any output besides error messages.
Internal flag (Don't use it)
Formula object with no intercept and labels for selected attributes. Note that die labels are selected from the rows instead of the columns, because NMF expects rows to be attributes.
Object of class "nmfgpu"
New data matrix compatible to the training data matrix, for computing the corresponding mixing matrix.


If the factorization process was successful, then a list of the following values will be returned otherwise NULL:
Factorized matrix W with n attributes and r basis features of the data matrix.
Factorized matrix H with r mixing vectors for m data entries in the data matrix.
Contains the frobenius norm of the factorization at the end of algorithm execution.
Contains the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the factorization at the end of algorithm execution.
Contains the elapsed time for initialization and algorithm execution.
Number of iterations until the algorithm had converged.


  1. P. Paatero and U. Tapper, "Positive matrix factorization: A non-negative factor model with optimal utilization of error estimates of data values", Environmetrics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 111-126, 1994.
  2. D. D. Lee and H. S. Seung, "Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization", in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13 (T. Leen, T. Dietterich, and V. Tresp, eds.), pp. 556-562, MIT Press, 2001.
  3. V. P. Pauca, J. Piper, and R. J. Plemmons, "Nonnegative matrix factorization for spectral data analysis", Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 416, no. 1, pp. 29-47, 2006. Special Issue devoted to the Haifa 2005 conference on matrix theory.
  4. A. N. Langville, C. D. Meyer, R. Albright, J. Cox, and D. Duling, "Algorithms, initializations, and convergence for the nonnegative matrix factorization", CoRR, vol. abs/1407.7299, 2014.
  5. L. Gong and A. Nandi, "An enhanced initialization method for non-negative matrix factorization", in 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), pp. 1-6, Sept 2013.
  6. A. Pascual-Montano, J. M. Carazo, K. Kochi, D. Lehmann and R. D. Pascual-Marqui "Nonsmooth nonnegative matrix factorization (nsNMF)", in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, pp. 403-415, 2006


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # Initialize the library
# library(nmfgpu4R)
# nmfgpu4R.init()
# # Create dummy data
# data <- runif(256*1024)
# dim(data) <- c(256, 1024)
# # Compute several factorization models
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="mu", initMethod="K-Means/Random", maxiter=500)
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="mu", initMethod="CopyExisting", 
#                  parameters=list(W=result$W, H=result$H), maxiter=500)
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="gdcls", maxiter=500, parameters=list(lambda=0.1))
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="als", maxiter=500)
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="acls", maxiter=500, 
#                  parameters=list(lambdaH=0.1, lambdaW=0.1))
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="ahcls", maxiter=500, 
#                  parameters=list(lambdaH=0.1, lambdaW=0.1, alphaH=0.5, alphaW=0.5))
# result <- nmf(data, 128, algorithm="nsnmf", maxiter=500, parameters=list(theta=0.25))
# # Compute encoding matrices for training and test data
# set.seed(42)
# idx <- sample(1:nrow(iris), 100, replace=F)
# data.train <- iris[idx,]
# data.test <- iris[-idx,]
# model.nmf <- nmf(t(data.train[,-5]), 2)
# encoding.train <- t(predict(model.nmf))
# encoding.test <- t(predict(model.nmf, t(data.test[,-5])))
# plot(encoding.train, col=data.train[,5], pch=1)
# points(encoding.test, col=data.test[,5], pch=4)
# ## End(Not run)

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