Function for ELM forecasting with Temporal Hierarchies.
elm.thief(y, h = NULL, ...)
An object of classes "" and "forecast".
The function plot produces a plot of the forecasts.
An object of class "" is a list containing the following elements:
method - The name of the forecasting method as a character string.
mean - Point forecasts as a time series.
all.mean - An array h x reps of all ensemble members forecasts, where reps are the number of ensemble members.
x - The original time series (either fit used to create the network.
fitted - Fitted values. Any values not fitted for the initial period of the time series are imputted with NA.
residuals - Residuals from the fitted network.
Input time series. Can be ts or msts object.
Forecast horizon. If NULL then h is set to match frequency of time series.
For forecasting with temporal hierarchies see: Athanasopoulos G., Hyndman R.J., Kourentzes N., Petropoulos F. (2017) Forecasting with Temporal Hierarchies. European Journal of Operational research, 262(1), 60-74.