Functions used by plot functions to define the boundaries of the bins on the X-axis
npde.binning(xvec, plot.opt, verbose = FALSE)
a list with 3 elements, xgrp (the number of the bin associated with each element of xvec), xcent (a named vector containing the mean of the elements of xvec contained in each bin; the name of the bin is the interval), and xgroup (a vector with the group associated to each element of xvec after binning) If verbose is TRUE, a table showing the bins is shown, giving the interval of xvec associated with each bin, the mean value of xvec in each bin, and the number of observations
a vector of values for the X-axis of the plot
graphical options
boolean (defaults to FALSE). If TRUE, a table showing how the binning was performed
Emmanuelle Comets <>
These functions are normally not called by the end-user but are now exported for use in the saemix package.
K. Brendel, E. Comets, C. Laffont, C. Laveille, and F. Mentre. Metrics for external model evaluation with an application to the population pharmacokinetics of gliclazide. Pharmaceutical Research, 23:2036--49, 2006.
, autonpde