Find spots using information from two channels for folder
size = NULL,
voxelsize = NULL,
thresh.offset = 0.1,
min.sum.intensity = 2,
max.distance = 0.5,
use.brightest = FALSE,
max.spots = 2,
full.voxel = FALSE,
output = "markers",
cores = 1
path to folder
size of img in microns, if size and voxelsize are NULL, size is determined from folder XYZmic
size of voxel in microns
Thresh offset used in EBImage::thresh()
spots smaller than min.sum.intensity are ignored
use only spots with distance to other color spot smaller than max.distance
Logical; use only brightest in max.distance?
maximum of spots (per channel), only when use brightest=TRUE
Logical; output contains full voxel instead of rgb intensities
output folder
number of cores we can use of parallel computing (needs parallel package if cores>1)
RGB image with spots will be written to output folder