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dig_correlations: Search for conditional correlations



Conditional correlations are patterns that identify strong relationships between pairs of numeric variables under specific conditions.


xvar ~ yvar | C

xvar and yvar highly correlates in data that satisfy the condition C.


study_time ~ test_score | hard_exam

For hard exams, the amount of study time is highly correlated with the obtained exam's test score.

The function computes correlations between all combinations of xvars and yvars columns of x in multiple sub-data corresponding to conditions generated from condition columns.


  condition = where(is.logical),
  xvars = where(is.numeric),
  yvars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  method = "pearson",
  alternative = "two.sided",
  exact = NULL,
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1


A tibble with found patterns.



a matrix or data frame with data to search in.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of correlations


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of correlations


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


a character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be used for the test. One of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman"


indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". "greater" corresponds to positive association, "less" to negative association.


a logical indicating whether an exact p-value should be computed. Used for Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho. See stats::cor.test() for more information.


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


The maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


Michal Burda

See Also


Run this code
# convert iris$Species into dummy logical variables
d <- partition(iris, Species)

# find conditional correlations between all pairs of numeric variables
                 condition = where(is.logical),
                 xvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width,
                 yvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)

# With `condition = NULL`, dig_correlations() computes correlations between
# all pairs of numeric variables on the whole dataset only, which is an
# alternative way of computing the correlation matrix
                 condition = NULL,
                 xvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width,
                 yvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab