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binCount2D: Bin-count Matrix Data


Count the number of elements of a given matrix z=z(x,y) that fall within successive pairs of breaks in x and y.


binCount2D(x, y, xbreaks, ybreaks, flatten = FALSE, include.lowest = FALSE)


A list with the following elements: the breaks (xbreaks

and ybreaks), the midpoints (xmids and ymids) between those breaks, and the count (number) of f values in the boxes defined between successive breaks.


x, y

vectors of numerical values.

xbreaks, ybreaks

vector of values of x and y at the boundaries between the 2D bins, calculated using pretty() on each of x and y, if not supplied.


A logical value indicating whether the return value also contains equilength vectors x, y, z and n, a flattened representation of xmids, ymids, result and number.


logical value indicating whether to include points where x equals xbreaks[1] or y equals ybreaks[1].


Dan Kelley


By default, the sub-intervals defined by xbreaks and ybreaks are open on the left/bottom and closed on the right/top, to match the behaviour of cut(). An open interval does not include points on the boundary, and so any x and y values that equal xbreaks[1] or ybreaks[1] will not be counted. To include such points in the calculation, set include.lowest to TRUE.

See Also

Other bin-related functions: binApply1D(), binApply2D(), binAverage(), binCount1D(), binMean1D(), binMean2D()