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oce (version 1.8-3)

plot,amsr-method: Plot an amsr Object


Plot an image of a component of an amsr object.


# S4 method for amsr
  asp = NULL,
  debug = getOption("oceDebug"),



an amsr object.


character value indicating the name of the band to plot; if not provided, SST (or a variant thereof) is used; see the documentation for the amsr class for a list of bands.


optional numerical value giving the aspect ratio for plot. The default value, NULL, means to use an aspect ratio of 1 for world views, and a value computed from ylim, if the latter is specified in the ... argument.


optional numeric vector of the z values for breaks in the color scheme. If colormap is provided, it takes precedence over breaks and col.


optional argument, either a vector of colors corresponding to the breaks, of length 1 less than the number of breaks, or a function specifying colors. If neither col or colormap is provided, then col defaults to oceColorsTemperature(). If colormap is provided, it takes precedence over breaks and col.


a specification of the colormap to use, as created with colormap(). If colormap is NULL, which is the default, then a colormap is created to cover the range of data values, using oceColorsTemperature color scheme. If colormap is provided, it takes precedence over breaks and col. See “Examples” for an example of using the "turbo" color scheme.


optional numeric vector of length 2, giving the limits of the plotted quantity. A reasonable default is computed, if this is not given.


optional character value that is shown in the top-right margin of the plot. If not given, this defaults to the name of the plotted variable.


optional list specifying colors to use for non-data categories. If not provided, a default is used. For type 1, that default is list(land="papayaWhip", none="lightGray", bad="gray", rain="plum", ice="mediumVioletRed"). For type 2, it is list(coast="gray", land="papayaWhip", noObs="lightGray", seaIce="mediumVioletRed"). Any colors may be used in place of these, but the names must match, and all names must be present.


an integer specifying whether debugging information is to be printed during the processing. This is a general parameter that is used by many oce functions. Generally, setting debug=0 turns off the printing, while higher values suggest that more information be printed. If one function calls another, it usually reduces the value of debug first, so that a user can often obtain deeper debugging by specifying higher debug values.


extra arguments passed to imagep(), e.g. to control the view with xlim (for longitude) and ylim (for latitude).


Dan Kelley


In addition to fields named directly in the object, such as SSTDay and SSTNight, it is also possible to plot computed fields, such as SST, which combines the day and night fields.

See Also

Other things related to amsr data: [[,amsr-method, [[<-,amsr-method, amsr, amsr-class, composite,amsr-method, download.amsr(), read.amsr(), subset,amsr-method, summary,amsr-method

Other functions that plot oce data: download.amsr(), plot,adp-method, plot,adv-method, plot,argo-method, plot,bremen-method, plot,cm-method, plot,coastline-method, plot,ctd-method, plot,gps-method, plot,ladp-method, plot,landsat-method, plot,lisst-method, plot,lobo-method, plot,met-method, plot,odf-method, plot,rsk-method, plot,satellite-method, plot,sealevel-method, plot,section-method, plot,tidem-method, plot,topo-method, plot,windrose-method, plot,xbt-method, plotProfile(), plotScan(), plotTS(), tidem-class


Run this code
data(amsr) # see ?amsr for how to read and composite such objects

# Example 1: plot with default color scheme, oceColorsTemperature()
plot(amsr, "SST")
lines(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]], coastlineWorld[["latitude"]])

# Example 2: 'turbo' color scheme
plot(amsr, "SST", col = oceColorsTurbo)
lines(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]], coastlineWorld[["latitude"]])

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab