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oce (version 1.8-3)

plot,gps-method: Plot a gps Object


This function plots a gps object. An attempt is made to use the whole space of the plot, and this is done by limiting either the longitude range or the latitude range, as appropriate, by modifying the eastern or northern limit, as appropriate. To get an inset map inside another map, draw the first map, do par(new=TRUE), and then call plot.gps with a value of mar that moves the inset plot to a desired location on the existing plot, and with bg="white".


# S4 method for gps
  xlab = "",
  ylab = "",
  expand = 1,
  mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
  mar = c(mgp[1] + 1, mgp[1] + 1, 1, 1),
  axes = TRUE,
  cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
  add = FALSE,
  inset = FALSE,
  geographical = 0,
  debug = getOption("oceDebug"),



a gps object.


label for x axis


label for y axis


Aspect ratio for plot. The default is for plot.gps to set the aspect ratio to give natural latitude-longitude scaling somewhere near the centre latitude on the plot. Often, it makes sense to set asp yourself, e.g. to get correct shapes at 45N, use asp=1/cos(45*pi/180). Note that the land mass is not symmetric about the equator, so to get good world views you should set asp=1 or set ylim to be symmetric about zero. Any given value of asp is ignored, if clongitude and clatitude are given.

clongitude, clatitude

optional center latitude of map, in decimal degrees. If both clongitude and clatitude are provided, then any provided value of asp is ignored, and instead the plot aspect ratio is computed based on the center latitude. If clongitude and clatitude are provided, then span must also be provided.


optional suggested span of plot, in kilometers. The suggestion is an upper limit on the scale; depending on the aspect ratio of the plotting device, the radius may be smaller than span. A value for span must be supplied, if clongitude and clatitude are supplied.


optional map projection to use (see mapPlot()); if not given, a cartesian frame is used, scaled so that gps shapes near the centre of the plot are preserved. If a projection is provided, the coordinate system will bear an indirect relationship to longitude and longitude, and further adornment of the plot must be done with e.g. mapPoints() instead of points().


numerical factor for the expansion of plot limits, showing area outside the plot, e.g. if showing a ship track as a gps, and then an actual gps to show the ocean boundary. The value of expand is ignored if either xlim or ylim is given.


3-element numerical vector to use for par(mgp), and also for par(mar), computed from this. The default is tighter than the R default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.


value to be used with par("mar").


optional color to be used for the background of the map. This comes in handy for drawing insets (see “details”).


boolean, set to TRUE to plot axes.


value for axis font size factor.


boolean, set to TRUE to draw the gps on an existing plot. Note that this retains the aspect ratio of that existing plot, so it is important to set that correctly, e.g. with asp=1/cos(lat * pi / 180), where clat is the central latitude of the plot.


set to TRUE for use within plotInset(). The effect is to prevent the present function from adjusting margins, which is necessary because margin adjustment is the basis for the method used by plotInset().


flag indicating the style of axes. If geographical=0, the axes are conventional, with decimal degrees as the unit, and negative signs indicating the southern and western hemispheres. If geographical=1, the signs are dropped, with axis values being in decreasing order within the southern and western hemispheres. If geographical=2, the signs are dropped and the axes are labelled with degrees, minutes and seconds, as appropriate.


set to TRUE to get debugging information during processing.


optional arguments passed to plotting functions. For example, set yaxp=c(-90,90,4) for a plot extending from pole to pole.


Dan Kelley

See Also

Other functions that plot oce data: download.amsr(), plot,adp-method, plot,adv-method, plot,amsr-method, plot,argo-method, plot,bremen-method, plot,cm-method, plot,coastline-method, plot,ctd-method, plot,ladp-method, plot,landsat-method, plot,lisst-method, plot,lobo-method, plot,met-method, plot,odf-method, plot,rsk-method, plot,satellite-method, plot,sealevel-method, plot,section-method, plot,tidem-method, plot,topo-method, plot,windrose-method, plot,xbt-method, plotProfile(), plotScan(), plotTS(), tidem-class

Other things related to gps data: [[,gps-method, [[<-,gps-method, as.gps(), gps-class, read.gps(), summary,gps-method