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odbc (version 1.6.0)

Microsoft SQL Server-class: SQL Server


Details of SQL Server methods for odbc and DBI generics.


conn@quote returns the quotation mark, but quotation marks and square brackets can be used interchangeably for delimited identifiers. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/databases/database-identifiers). This function strips the brackets first and then calls the DBI method to strip the quotation marks.


Local temp tables are stored as [tempdb].[dbo].[#name]_____[numeric identifier], so isTempTable() returns TRUE if catalog_name is "tempdb" or "%", or the name starts with "#".


The default implementation reports temporary tables as non-existent since they live in a different catalog. This method provides a special case for temporary tables, as identified by isTempTable().


The default implementation reports temporary tables as non-existent when a catalog_name isn't supplied since they live in a different catalog. This method provides a special case for temporary tables.


Method for an internal function. Calls catalog-specific sp_tables to make sure we list the schemas in the appropriate database/catalog.


Warns if temporary = TRUE but the name does not conform to temp table naming conventions (i.e. it doesn't start with #).


If temp table, query the database for the actual table name.


Copied over from odbc-connection to avoid S4 dispatch NOTEs.
