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odbc (version 1.6.0)

odbcConnectionColumns: odbcConnectionColumns



This function has been deprecated in favor of DBI::dbListFields().

For a given table this function returns detailed information on all fields / columns. The expectation is that this is a relatively thin wrapper around the ODBC SQLColumns function call, with some of the field names renamed / re-ordered according to the return specifications below.


odbcConnectionColumns(conn, name, ..., exact = FALSE)


data.frame with columns

  • name

  • field.type - equivalent to type_name in SQLColumns output

  • table_name

  • schema_name

  • catalog_name

  • data_type

  • column_size

  • buffer_length

  • decimal_digits

  • numeric_precision_radix

  • remarks

  • column_default

  • sql_data_type

  • sql_datetime_subtype

  • char_octet_length

  • ordinal_position

  • nullable





Table identifiers. By default, are interpreted as a ODBC search pattern where _ and % are wild cards. Set exact = TRUE to match _ exactly.


additional parameters to methods


Set to TRUE to escape _ in identifier names so that it matches exactly, rather than matching any single character. % always matches any number of characters as this is unlikely to appear in a table name.


In DBI::dbWriteTable() we make a call to this method to get details on the fields of the table we are writing to. In particular the columns data_type, column_size, and decimal_digits are used. An implementation is not necessary for DBI::dbWriteTable() to work.

odbcConnectionColumns is routed through the SQLColumns ODBC method. This function, together with remaining catalog functions (SQLTables, etc), by default ( SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID == false ) expect either ordinary arguments (OA) in the case of the catalog, or pattern value arguments (PV) in the case of schema/table name. For these, quoted identifiers do not make sense, so we unquote identifiers prior to the call.

See Also

The ODBC documentation on SQLColumns for further details.