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odbc (version 1.6.0)

odbcListDrivers: List Configured ODBC Drivers


Collect information about the configured driver names. A driver must be both installed and configured with the driver manager to be included in this list. Configuring a driver name just sets up a lookup table (e.g. in odbcinst.ini) to allow users to pass only the driver name to dbConnect().

Driver names that are not configured with the driver manager (and thus do not appear in this function's output) can still be used in dbConnect() by providing a path to a driver directly.


  keep = getOption("odbc.drivers_keep"),
  filter = getOption("odbc.drivers_filter")


A data frame with three columns.


Name of the driver. The entries in this column can be passed to the driver argument of dbConnect() (as long as the driver accepts the argument).


Driver attribute name.


Driver attribute value.

If a driver has multiple attributes, there will be one row per attribute, each with the same driver name. If a given driver name does not have any attributes, the function will return one row with the driver name, but the last two columns will be NA.


keep, filter

A character vector of driver names to keep in or remove from the results, respectively. If NULL, all driver names will be kept, or none will be removed, respectively. The odbc.drivers_keep and odbc.drivers_filter options control the argument defaults.

Driver names are first processed with keep, then filter. Thus, if a driver name is in both keep and filter, it won't appear in output.


This function interfaces with the driver manager to collect information about the available driver names.

For MacOS and Linux, the odbc package supports the unixODBC driver manager. unixODBC looks to the odbcinst.ini configuration file for information on driver names. Find the location(s) of your odbcinst.ini file(s) with odbcinst -j.

In this example odbcinst.ini file:

[MySQL Driver]

Then the driver name is MySQL Driver, which will appear in the name column of this function's output. To pass the driver name as the driver argument to dbConnect(), pass it as a string, like "MySQL Driver".

Windows is bundled with an ODBC driver manager.

In this example, function output would include 1 row: the name column would read "MySQL Driver", attribute would be "Driver", and value would give the file path to the driver. Additional key-value pairs under the driver name would add additional rows with the same name entry.

When a driver is configured with a driver manager, information on the driver will be automatically passed on to dbConnect() when its driver argument is set. For an example, see the same section in the odbcListDataSources() help-file. Instead of configuring driver information with a driver manager, it is also possible to provide a path to a driver directly to dbConnect().

See Also



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