## Compile the model; exp_decay here is an R6ClassGenerator and will
## generate instances of a model of exponential decay:
exp_decay <- odin::odin({
deriv(y) <- -0.5 * y
initial(y) <- 1
}, target = "r")
## Generate an instance; there are no parameters here so all instances
## are the same and this looks a bit pointless. But this step is
## required because in general you don't want to have to compile the
## model every time it is used (so the generator will go in a
## package).
mod <- exp_decay$new()
## Run the model for a series of times from 0 to 10:
t <- seq(0, 10, length.out = 101)
y <- mod$run(t)
plot(y, xlab = "Time", ylab = "y", main = "", las = 1)
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