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oem (version 2.0.12)

predict.cv.oem: Prediction function for fitted cross validation oem objects


Prediction function for fitted cross validation oem objects


# S3 method for cv.oem
  which.model = "best.model",
  s = c("lambda.min", "lambda.1se"),


An object depending on the type argument



fitted "cv.oem" model object


Matrix of new values for x at which predictions are to be made. Must be a matrix; can be sparse as in the CsparseMatrix objects of the Matrix package This argument is not used for type = c("coefficients","nonzero")


If multiple penalties are fit and returned in the same oem object, the which.model argument is used to specify which model to make predictions for. For example, if the oem object "oemobj" was fit with argument penalty = c("lasso", "grp.lasso"), then which.model = 2 provides predictions for the group lasso model. For predict.cv.oem(), can specify "best.model" to use the best model as estimated by cross-validation


Value(s) of the penalty parameter lambda at which predictions are required. Default is the entire sequence used to create the model. For predict.cv.oem(), can also specify "lambda.1se" or "lambda.min" for best lambdas estimated by cross validation


used to pass the other arguments for predict.oem


Run this code
n.obs <- 1e4
n.vars <- 100
n.obs.test <- 1e3

true.beta <- c(runif(15, -0.5, 0.5), rep(0, n.vars - 15))

x <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs * n.vars), n.obs, n.vars)
y <- rnorm(n.obs, sd = 3) + x %*% true.beta
x.test <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs.test * n.vars), n.obs.test, n.vars)
y.test <- rnorm(n.obs.test, sd = 3) + x.test %*% true.beta

fit <- cv.oem(x = x, y = y, 
              penalty = c("lasso", "grp.lasso"), 
              groups = rep(1:10, each = 10), 
              nlambda = 10)

preds.best <- predict(fit, newx = x.test, type = "response", which.model = "best.model")

apply(preds.best, 2, function(x) mean((y.test - x) ^ 2))

preds.gl <- predict(fit, newx = x.test, type = "response", which.model = "grp.lasso")

apply(preds.gl, 2, function(x) mean((y.test - x) ^ 2))

preds.l <- predict(fit, newx = x.test, type = "response", which.model = 1)

apply(preds.l, 2, function(x) mean((y.test - x) ^ 2))

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