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Convert the data in an a 'PowerPoint' table to a matrix or all data to a list of matrices.
# S3 method for rpptx as.matrix( x, ..., slide_id = NA_integer_, id = NA_character_, span = c(NA_character_, "fill") )
A matrix with the data, or if slide_id=NULL, a list of matrices
The rpptx object to convert (as created by officer::read_pptx())
The slide number to load from (NA indicates first slide with a table, NULL indicates all slides and all tables)
The table ID to load from (ignored it is.null(slide_id), NA indicates to load the first table from the slide_id)
How should col_span/row_span values be handled? NA means to leave the value as NA, and "fill" means to fill matrix cells with the value.
library(officer) pptx_file <- system.file(package="officer", "doc_examples", "example.pptx") z <- read_pptx(pptx_file) as.matrix(z, slide_id = NULL)
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