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officer (version 0.6.7)

block_list: List of blocks


A list of blocks can be used to gather several blocks (paragraphs, tables, ...) into a single object. The result can be added into a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation.





a list of blocks. When output is only for Word, objects of class external_img() can also be used in fpar construction to mix text and images in a single paragraph. Supported objects are: block_caption(), block_pour_docx(), block_section(), block_table(), block_toc(), fpar(), plot_instr().

See Also

ph_with(), body_add_blocks(), fpar()

Other block functions for reporting: block_caption(), block_pour_docx(), block_section(), block_table(), block_toc(), fpar(), plot_instr(), unordered_list()


Run this code
# block list ------

img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
fpt_blue_bold <- fp_text(color = "#006699", bold = TRUE)
fpt_red_italic <- fp_text(color = "#C32900", italic = TRUE)

## This can be only be used in a MS word output as pptx does
## not support paragraphs made of text and images.
## (actually it can be used but image will not appear in the
## pptx output)
value <- block_list(
  fpar(ftext("hello world", fpt_blue_bold)),
  fpar(ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
       ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)),
    ftext("hello world", fpt_red_italic),
            src = img.file, height = 1.06, width = 1.39)))

doc <- read_docx()
doc <- body_add(doc, value)
print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))

value <- block_list(
  fpar(ftext("hello world", fpt_blue_bold)),
  fpar(ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ",
       ftext("world", fpt_red_italic)),
    ftext("blah blah blah", fpt_red_italic)))

doc <- read_pptx()
doc <- add_slide(doc)
doc <- ph_with(doc, value, location = ph_location_type(type = "body"))
print(doc, target = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab