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officer (version 0.6.7)

layout_properties: Slide layout properties


Detailed information about the placeholders on the slide layouts (label, position, etc.). See Value section below for more info.


layout_properties(x, layout = NULL, master = NULL)


Returns a data frame with one row per placeholder and the following columns:

  • master_name: Name of master (a .pptx file may have more than one)

  • name: Name of layout

  • type: Placeholder type

  • type_idx: Running index for phs of the same type. Ordering by ph position (top -> bottom, left -> right)

  • id: A unique placeholder id (assigned by PowerPoint automatically, starts at 2, potentially non-consecutive)

  • ph_label: Placeholder label (can be set by the user in PowerPoint)

  • ph: Placholder XML fragment (usually not needed)

  • offx,offy: placeholder's distance from left and top edge (in inch)

  • cx,cy: width and height of placeholder (in inch)

  • rotation: rotation in degrees

  • fld_id is generally stored as a hexadecimal or GUID value

  • fld_type: a unique identifier for a particular field



an rpptx object


slide layout name. If NULL, returns all layouts.


master layout name where layout is located. If NULL, returns all masters.

See Also

Other functions for reading presentation information: annotate_base(), color_scheme(), doc_properties(), layout_summary(), length.rpptx(), plot_layout_properties(), slide_size(), slide_summary()


Run this code
x <- read_pptx()
layout_properties(x = x, layout = "Title Slide", master = "Office Theme")
layout_properties(x = x, master = "Office Theme")
layout_properties(x = x, layout = "Two Content")
layout_properties(x = x)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab