Import a file as a table in Opal. The file formats supported are: RDS (.rds), SPSS (.sav),
SPSS compressed (.zsav), SAS (.sas7bdat), SAS Transport (.xpt), Stata (.dta).
The RDS format is a serialized single R object (expected to be of tibble class), that can be obtained using base::saveRDS().
The other file formats are the ones supported by the haven R package.
This operation creates an importation task in Opal that can be followed (see tasks related functions).
Path in Opal to the file that will be read as a tibble.
Name of the project into which the data are to be imported.
Destination table name.
Name of the identifiers mapping to use when assigning entities to Opal.
Identifiers policy: 'required' (each identifiers must be mapped prior importation (default)), 'ignore' (ignore unknown identifiers) and 'generate' (generate a system identifier for each unknown identifier).
The name of the column representing the entity identifiers. Default is 'id'.
Entity type (what the data are about). Default is 'Participant'.