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opalr (version 3.3.1)

opalr-package: opalr: 'Opal' Data Repository Client and 'DataSHIELD' Utils


Data integration Web application for biobanks by 'OBiBa'. 'Opal' is the core database application for biobanks. Participant data, once collected from any data source, must be integrated and stored in a central data repository under a uniform model. 'Opal' is such a central repository. It can import, process, validate, query, analyze, report, and export data. 'Opal' is typically used in a research center to analyze the data acquired at assessment centres. Its ultimate purpose is to achieve seamless data-sharing among biobanks. This 'Opal' client allows to interact with 'Opal' web services and to perform operations on the R server side. 'DataSHIELD' administration tools are also provided.



Maintainer: Yannick Marcon yannick.marcon@obiba.org (ORCID)

Other contributors:

See Also