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openCyto (version 1.10.3)

add_pop: apply a gating method to the GatingSet


When interacting with the existing gated data, this function provides the alternative way to interact with he GatingSet by supplying the gating description directly through arguments without the need to write the compelete csv gating template.


add_pop(gs, alias = "*", pop = "A+", parent, dims = NA, gating_method,
  gating_args = NA, collapseDataForGating = NA, groupBy = NA,
  preprocessing_method = NA, preprocessing_args = NA, ...)


GatingSet or GatingSetList
see details in gatingTemplate
other arguments
  • mc.cores
{ passed to multicore package for parallel computing} parallel_type{ character specifying the parallel type. The valid options are "none", "multicore", "cluster".} cl{ cluster object passed to parallel package (when parallel_type is "cluster")}


Run this code
# add quad gates
 add_pop(gs, gating_method = "mindensity", dims = "CCR7,CD45RA", parent = "cd4-cd8+", pop = "CCR7+/-CD45RA+/-")

# polyfunctional gates (boolean combinations of exsiting marginal gates)
add_pop(gs, gating_method = "polyFunctions", parent = "cd8", gating_args = "cd8/IFNg:cd8/IL2:cd8/TNFa")

#boolGate method
add_pop(gs, alias = "IL2orIFNg", gating_method = "boolGate", parent = "cd4", gating_args = "cd4/IL2|cd4/IFNg")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab