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openCyto (version 1.10.3)

plot,gatingTemplate,missing-method: plot the gating scheme


plot the gating scheme using Rgraphviz


## S3 method for class 'gatingTemplate,missing':
plot(x, y, ...)


gatingTemplate object
either character specifying the root node which can be used to visualize only the subgraph or missing which display the entire gating scheme
other arguments

graphAttr, nodeAttr: graph rendering attributes passed to renderGraph showRef logical: whether to display the reference gates. Sometime it maybe helpful to hide all those reference gates which are not the cell population of interest and used primarily for generating other population nodes.


Run this code
gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
plot(gt) #plot entire tree
plot(gt, "lymph") #only plot the subtree rooted from "lymph"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab