## Requires package 'openNLPmodels.en' from the repository at
## <http://datacube.wu.ac.at>.
## Some text.
s <- paste(c("Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a ",
"nonexecutive director Nov. 29.\n",
"Mr. Vinken is chairman of Elsevier N.V., ",
"the Dutch publishing group."),
collapse = "")
s <- as.String(s)
## Need sentence and word token annotations.
sent_token_annotator <- Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator()
word_token_annotator <- Maxent_Word_Token_Annotator()
a2 <- annotate(s, list(sent_token_annotator, word_token_annotator))
## Entity recognition for persons.
entity_annotator <- Maxent_Entity_Annotator()
annotate(s, entity_annotator, a2)
## Directly:
entity_annotator(s, a2)
## And slice ...
s[entity_annotator(s, a2)]
## Variant with sentence probabilities as features.
annotate(s, Maxent_Entity_Annotator(probs = TRUE), a2)
# }
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