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openxlsx2 (version 0.8)

wb_col_widths: Modify worksheet column widths


Remove / set worksheet column widths to specific width or "auto".


  sheet = current_sheet(),
  widths = 8.43,
  hidden = FALSE

wb_remove_col_widths(wb, sheet = current_sheet(), cols)



A wbWorkbook object


A name or index of a worksheet, a vector in the case of remove


Indices of cols to set/remove width


width to set cols to specified in Excel column width units or "auto" for automatic sizing. The widths argument is recycled to the length of cols. The default width is 8.43. Though there is no specific default width for Excel, it depends on Excel version, operating system and DPI settings used. Setting it to specific value also is no guarantee that the output will be of the selected width.


Logical vector. If TRUE the column is hidden.


The global min and max column width for "auto" columns is set by (default values show):

  • options("openxlsx2.minWidth" = 3)

  • options("openxlsx2.maxWidth" = 250) ## This is the maximum width allowed in Excel

NOTE: The calculation of column widths can be slow for large worksheets.

NOTE: The hidden parameter may conflict with the one set in wb_group_cols(); changing one will update the other.

See Also

Other workbook wrappers: wb_add_chartsheet(), wb_add_data_table(), wb_add_data(), wb_add_formula(), wb_add_pivot_table(), wb_add_worksheet(), wb_base_font, wb_clone_worksheet(), wb_copy_cells(), wb_creators, wb_freeze_pane(), wb_grouping, wb_merge_cells(), wb_save(), wb_set_last_modified_by(), wb_set_row_heights(), wb_workbook()


Run this code
## Create a new workbook
wb <- wb_workbook()

## Add a worksheet
wb$add_worksheet("Sheet 1")

## set col widths
wb$set_col_widths(1, cols = c(1, 4, 6, 7, 9), widths = c(16, 15, 12, 18, 33))

## auto columns
wb$add_worksheet("Sheet 2")
wb$add_data(sheet = 2, x = iris)
wb$set_col_widths(sheet = 2, cols = 1:5, widths = "auto")

## removing column widths
## Create a new workbook
wb <- wb_load(file = system.file("extdata", "openxlsx2_example.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2"))

## remove column widths in columns 1 to 20
wb_remove_col_widths(wb, 1, cols = 1:20)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab