# Provide coordinates
wb_dims(1, 4)
wb_dims(rows = 1, cols = 4)
wb_dims(from_row = 4)
wb_dims(from_col = 2)
wb_dims(from_col = "B")
wb_dims(1:4, 6:9, from_row = 5)
# Provide vectors
wb_dims(1:10, c("A", "B", "C"))
wb_dims(rows = 1:10, cols = 1:10)
# provide `from_col` / `from_row`
wb_dims(rows = 1:10, cols = c("A", "B", "C"), from_row = 2)
wb_dims(rows = 1:10, cols = 1:10, from_col = 2)
# or objects
wb_dims(x = mtcars, col_names = TRUE)
# select all data
wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "data")
# column names of an object (with the special select = "col_names")
wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "col_names")
# dims of the column names of an object
wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "col_names", col_names = TRUE)
## add formatting to `mtcars` using `wb_dims()`----
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_worksheet("test wb_dims() with an object")
dims_mtcars_and_col_names <- wb_dims(x = mtcars)
wb$add_data(x = mtcars, dims = dims_mtcars_and_col_names)
# Put the font as Arial for the data
dims_mtcars_data <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "data")
wb$add_font(dims = dims_mtcars_data, name = "Arial")
# Style col names as bold using the special `select = "col_names"` with `x` provided.
dims_column_names <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "col_names")
wb$add_font(dims = dims_column_names, bold = TRUE, size = 13)
# Finally, to add styling to column "cyl" (the 4th column) (only the data)
# there are many options, but here is the preferred one
# if you know the column index, wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = 4) also works.
dims_cyl <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = "cyl")
wb$add_fill(dims = dims_cyl, color = wb_color("pink"))
# Mark a full column as important(with the column name too)
wb_dims_vs <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = "vs", select = "x")
wb$add_fill(dims = wb_dims_vs, fill = wb_color("yellow"))
wb$add_conditional_formatting(dims = wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = "mpg"), type = "dataBar")
# wb_open(wb)
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