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openxlsx2 (version 0.8)

write_xlsx: Write data to an xlsx file


Write a data.frame or list of data.frames to an xlsx file


write_xlsx(x, file, as_table = FALSE, ...)


A workbook object



object or a list of objects that can be handled by write_data() to write to file


xlsx file name


write using write_datatable as opposed to write_data


optional parameters to pass to functions:

  • wb_workbook()

  • wb_add_worksheet()

  • wb_add_data()

  • wb_freeze_pane()

  • wb_save()

see Details.


Optional parameters are: wb_workbook Parameters

  • creator A string specifying the workbook author

wb_add_worksheet() Parameters

  • sheet Name of the worksheet

  • grid_lines A logical. If FALSE, the worksheet grid lines will be hidden.

  • tab_color Color of the worksheet tab. A valid color (belonging to colors()) or a valid hex color beginning with "#".

  • zoom A numeric between 10 and 400. Worksheet zoom level as a percentage.

wb_add_data/wb_add_data_table Parameters

  • start_col A vector specifying the starting column(s) to write df

  • start_row A vector specifying the starting row(s) to write df

  • col_names If TRUE, column names of x are written.

  • row_names If TRUE, row names of x are written.

  • na.strings If not NULL NA values are converted to this string in Excel. Defaults to NULL.

wb_freeze_pane Parameters

  • first_active_row Top row of active region to freeze pane.

  • first_active_col Furthest left column of active region to freeze pane.

  • first_row If TRUE, freezes the first row (equivalent to first_active_row = 2)

  • first_col If TRUE, freezes the first column (equivalent to first_active_col = 2)

wb_set_col_widths Parameters

  • widths May be a single value for all columns (or "auto"), or a list of vectors that will be recycled for each sheet (see examples)

wb_save Parameters

  • overwrite Overwrite existing file (Defaults to TRUE as with wb_add_data())

columns of x with class Date or POSIXt are automatically styled as dates and datetimes respectively.

See Also

wb_add_worksheet(), wb_add_data()


Run this code
## write to working directory
write_xlsx(iris, file = temp_xlsx(), col_names = TRUE)

  file = temp_xlsx(),
  col_names = TRUE

## Lists elements are written to individual worksheets, using list names as sheet names if available
l <- list("IRIS" = iris, "MTCARS" = mtcars, matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 5))
write_xlsx(l, temp_xlsx(), col_widths = c(NA, "auto", "auto"))

## different sheets can be given different parameters
write_xlsx(l, temp_xlsx(),
  start_col = c(1, 2, 3), start_row = 2,
  as_table = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), with_filter = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)

# specify column widths for multiple sheets
write_xlsx(l, temp_xlsx(), col_widths = 20)
write_xlsx(l, temp_xlsx(), col_widths = list(100, 200, 300))
write_xlsx(l, temp_xlsx(), col_widths = list(rep(10, 5), rep(8, 11), rep(5, 5)))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab