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openxlsx2 (version 1.4)

wb_to_df: Create a data frame from a Workbook


Simple function to create a data.frame from a sheet in workbook. Simple as in it was simply written down. read_xlsx() and wb_read() are just internal wrappers of wb_to_df() intended for people coming from other packages.


  start_row = 1,
  start_col = NULL,
  row_names = FALSE,
  col_names = TRUE,
  skip_empty_rows = FALSE,
  skip_empty_cols = FALSE,
  skip_hidden_rows = FALSE,
  skip_hidden_cols = FALSE,
  rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  detect_dates = TRUE,
  na.strings = "#N/A",
  na.numbers = NA,
  fill_merged_cells = FALSE,
  show_formula = FALSE,
  convert = TRUE,
  keep_attributes = FALSE,

read_xlsx( file, sheet, start_row = 1, start_col = NULL, row_names = FALSE, col_names = TRUE, skip_empty_rows = FALSE, skip_empty_cols = FALSE, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, detect_dates = TRUE, named_region, na.strings = "#N/A", na.numbers = NA, fill_merged_cells = FALSE, ... )

wb_read( file, sheet = 1, start_row = 1, start_col = NULL, row_names = FALSE, col_names = TRUE, skip_empty_rows = FALSE, skip_empty_cols = FALSE, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, detect_dates = TRUE, named_region, na.strings = "NA", na.numbers = NA, ... )



An xlsx file, wbWorkbook object or URL to xlsx file.


Either sheet name or index. When missing the first sheet in the workbook is selected.


first row to begin looking for data.


first column to begin looking for data.


If TRUE, the first col of data will be used as row names.


If TRUE, the first row of data will be used as column names.


If TRUE, empty rows are skipped.


If TRUE, empty columns are skipped.


If TRUE, hidden rows are skipped.


If TRUE, hidden columns are skipped.


A numeric vector specifying which rows in the xlsx file to read. If NULL, all rows are read.


A numeric vector specifying which columns in the xlsx file to read. If NULL, all columns are read.


If TRUE, attempt to recognize dates and perform conversion.


A character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA. Blank cells will be returned as NA.


A numeric vector of digits which are to be interpreted as NA. Blank cells will be returned as NA.


If TRUE, the value in a merged cell is given to all cells within the merge.


Character string of type "A1:B2" as optional dimensions to be imported.


If TRUE, the underlying Excel formulas are shown.


If TRUE, a conversion to dates and numerics is attempted.


A named numeric indicating, the type of the data. Names must match the returned data. See Details for more.


Character string with a named_region (defined name or table). If no sheet is selected, the first appearance will be selected. See wb_get_named_regions()


If TRUE additional attributes are returned. (These are used internally to define a cell type.)


additional arguments


The returned data frame will have named rows matching the rows of the worksheet. With col_names = FALSE the returned data frame will have column names matching the columns of the worksheet. Otherwise the first row is selected as column name.

Depending if the R package hms is loaded, wb_to_df() returns hms variables or string variables in the hh:mm:ss format.

The types argument must be a named numeric.

  • 0: character

  • 1: numeric

  • 2: date

  • 3: posixt (datetime)

  • 4: logical

wb_to_df() will not pick up formulas added to a workbook object via wb_add_formula(). This is because only the formula is written and left to be evaluated when the file is opened in a spreadsheet software. Opening, saving and closing the file in a spreadsheet software will resolve this.

See Also



Run this code
# numerics, dates, missings, bool and string
example_file <- system.file("extdata", "openxlsx2_example.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")
wb1 <- wb_load(example_file)

# import workbook

# do not convert first row to column names
wb_to_df(wb1, col_names = FALSE)

# do not try to identify dates in the data
wb_to_df(wb1, detect_dates = FALSE)

# return the underlying Excel formula instead of their values
wb_to_df(wb1, show_formula = TRUE)

# read dimension without colNames
wb_to_df(wb1, dims = "A2:C5", col_names = FALSE)

# read selected cols
wb_to_df(wb1, cols = c("A:B", "G"))

# read selected rows
wb_to_df(wb1, rows = c(2, 4, 6))

# convert characters to numerics and date (logical too?)
wb_to_df(wb1, convert = FALSE)

# erase empty rows from dataset
wb_to_df(wb1, skip_empty_rows = TRUE)

# erase empty columns from dataset
wb_to_df(wb1, skip_empty_cols = TRUE)

# convert first row to rownames
wb_to_df(wb1, sheet = 2, dims = "C6:G9", row_names = TRUE)

# define type of the data.frame
wb_to_df(wb1, cols = c(2, 5), types = c("Var1" = 0, "Var3" = 1))

# start in row 5
wb_to_df(wb1, start_row = 5, col_names = FALSE)

# na string
wb_to_df(wb1, na.strings = "a")

# Named regions
file_named_region <- system.file("extdata", "namedRegions3.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")
wb2 <- wb_load(file_named_region)

# read dataset with named_region (returns global first)
wb_to_df(wb2, named_region = "MyRange", col_names = FALSE)

# read named_region from sheet
wb_to_df(wb2, named_region = "MyRange", sheet = 4, col_names = FALSE)

# read_xlsx() and wb_read()
example_file <- system.file("extdata", "openxlsx2_example.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")
read_xlsx(file = example_file)
df1 <- wb_read(file = example_file, sheet = 1)
df2 <- wb_read(file = example_file, sheet = 1, rows = c(1, 3, 5), cols = 1:3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab