Learn R Programming

openxlsx2 (version 1.6)

openxlsx2_options: Options consulted by openxlsx2


The openxlsx2 package allows the user to set global options to simplify formatting:

If the built-in defaults don't suit you, set one or more of these options. Typically, this is done in the .Rprofile startup file

  • options("openxlsx2.borderColor" = "black")

  • options("openxlsx2.borderStyle" = "thin")

  • options("openxlsx2.dateFormat" = "mm/dd/yyyy")

  • options("openxlsx2.datetimeFormat" = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")

  • options("openxlsx2.maxWidth" = NULL) (Maximum width allowed in Excel is 250)

  • options("openxlsx2.minWidth" = NULL)

  • options("openxlsx2.numFmt" = NULL)

  • options("openxlsx2.paperSize" = 9) corresponds to a A4 paper size

  • options("openxlsx2.orientation" = "portrait") page orientation

  • options("openxlsx2.sheet.default_name" = "Sheet")

  • options("openxlsx2.rightToLeft" = NULL)

  • options("openxlsx2.soon_deprecated" = FALSE) Set to TRUE if you want a warning if using some functions deprecated recently in openxlsx2

  • options("openxlsx2.creator") A default name for the creator of new wbWorkbook object with wb_workbook() or new comments with wb_add_comment()

  • options("openxlsx2.thread_id") the default person id when adding a threaded comment to a cell with wb_add_thread()

  • options("openxlsx2.accountingFormat" = 4)

  • options("openxlsx2.currencyFormat" = 4)

  • options("openxlsx2.commaFormat" = 3)

  • options("openxlsx2.percentageFormat" = 10)

  • options("openxlsx2.scientificFormat" = 48)

  • options("openxlsx2.string_nums" = TRUE) numerics in character columns will be converted. "1" will be written as 1

  • options("openxlsx2.na.strings" = "#N/A") consulted by write_xlsx(), wb_add_data() and wb_add_data_table().
