#See ?opticont for optimum contribution selection
#These examples demonstrate computation of some population genetic parameters.
Pedig <- prePed(ExamplePed, thisBreed="Hinterwaelder", lastNative=1970)
# Evaluation of #
# - kinships #
# - genetic diversities #
# - native effective size #
# - native genome equivalent #
phen <- Pedig[Pedig$Breed=="Hinterwaelder",]
pKin <- pedIBD(Pedig)
pKinatN <- pedIBDatN(Pedig, thisBreed="Hinterwaelder")
pop <- candes(phen=phen, pKin=pKin, pKinatN=pKinatN, quiet=TRUE, reduce.data=FALSE)
Param <- summary(pop, tlim=c(1970,2005), histNe=150, base=1800, df=4)
plot(Param$t, Param$Ne, type="l", ylim=c(0,150),
main="Native Effective Size", ylab="Ne", xlab="")
matplot(Param$t, Param[,c("pKin", "pKinatN")],
type="l",ylim=c(0,1),main="Kinships", xlab="Year", ylab="mean Kinship")
legend("topleft", legend = c("pKin", "pKinatN"), lty=1:2, col=1:2, cex=0.6)
info <- paste("Base Year =", attributes(Param)$base, " historic Ne =", attributes(Param)$histNe)
plot(Param$t,Param$NGE,type="l",main="Native Genome Equivalents",
mtext(info, cex=0.7)
# Genetic contributions from other breeds #
cont <- pedBreedComp(Pedig, thisBreed='Hinterwaelder')
contByYear <- conttac(cont, Pedig$Born, use=Pedig$Breed=="Hinterwaelder", mincont=0.04, long=FALSE)
barplot(contByYear, ylim=c(0,1), col=1:10, ylab="genetic contribution",
legend=TRUE, args.legend=list(x="topleft",cex=0.6))
# Frequencies of haplotype segments in other breeds #
dir <- system.file("extdata", package="optiSel")
files <- file.path(dir, paste("Chr", 1:2, ".phased", sep=""))
Freq <- freqlist(
haplofreq(files, Cattle, map, thisBreed="Angler", refBreeds="Rotbunt", minSNP=20),
haplofreq(files, Cattle, map, thisBreed="Angler", refBreeds="Holstein", minSNP=20),
haplofreq(files, Cattle, map, thisBreed="Angler", refBreeds="Fleckvieh", minSNP=20)
plot(Freq, ID=1, hap=2, refBreed="Rotbunt")
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