Learn R Programming

options (version 0.2.0)

options_env: Options Environment Class


The options environment stores primarily, the default values for options. In addition, it stores metadata pertaining to each option in the form of attributes.


options_initialized(env, inherits = FALSE)

init_options_env(env = parent.frame())

as_options_list(x, ...)

# S3 method for list as_options_list(x, ...)

# S3 method for options_env as_options_list(x, ...)

get_option_default_value(x, env = parent.frame())

get_options_spec(env = parent.frame())

get_option_spec( name, env = parent.frame(), inherits = FALSE, on_missing = warning )

set_option_spec(name, details, env = parent.frame())



An environment in which to search for an options environment


Whether to search upward through parent environments


Additional arguments unused


  • options_initialized(): Test whether options is initialized in environment

  • init_options_env(): Initialize an options object

  • as_options_list(): Convert into an options list

  • get_option_default_value(): Get the option's default value

  • get_options_spec(): Get all options specifications as named list

  • get_option_spec(): Get single option specification

  • set_option_spec(): Set single option specification


  • spec: A named list of option specifications

  • option_name_fn: A function used to derive default option names for newly defined options. See set_option_name_fn().

  • envvar_name_fn: A function used to derive default environment variable names for newly defined options. See set_envvar_name_fn().