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ordinal (version 2019.3-9)

anova.clm: ANODE Tables and Likelihood ratio test of cumulative link models


Type I, II, and III analysis of deviance (ANODE) tables for cumulative link models and comparison of cumulative link models with likelihood ratio tests. Models may differ by terms in location, scale and nominal formulae, in link, threshold function.


# S3 method for clm
anova(object, ..., type = c("I", "II", "III", "1", "2", "3"))



a clm object.

optionally one or more additional clm objects.


the type of hypothesis test if anova is called with a single model; ignored if more than one model is passed to the method.


An analysis of deviance table based on Wald chi-square test if called with a single model and a comparison of models with likelihood ratio tests if called with more than one model.


The ANODE table returned when anova is called with a single model apply only to terms in formula, that is, terms in nominal and scale are ignored.

See Also



Run this code
## Analysis of deviance tables with Wald chi-square tests:
fm <- clm(rating ~ temp * contact, scale=~contact, data=wine)
anova(fm, type="I")
anova(fm, type="II")
anova(fm, type="III")

options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
m1 <- clm2(SURENESS ~ PROD, scale = ~PROD, data = soup,
          link = "logistic")

## anova
anova(m1, update(m1, scale = ~.-PROD))
mN1 <- clm2(SURENESS ~ 1, nominal = ~PROD, data = soup,
           link = "logistic")
anova(m1, mN1)
anova(m1, update(m1, scale = ~.-PROD), mN1)

## Fit model from polr example:
if(require(MASS)) {
    fm1 <- clm2(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
    anova(fm1, update(fm1, scale =~ Cont))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab