A data frame is created given the valid DICOM fields provided by the user.
dicomTable(hdrs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, collapse = "-",
colSort = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
List object of DICOM headers.
Logical variable to be passed to data.frame
Character string used to paste
DICOM group, element
and value fields.
Logical variable (default = TRUE
) to sort column names
in the table.
Flag to provide text-based progress bar (default =
Logical variable (default = FALSE
) that regulates to
display of intermediate processing steps.
Data frame where the rows correspond to images and the columns correspond to the UNION of all DICOM fields across all files in the list.
Whitcher, B., V. J. Schmid and A. Thornton (2011). Working with the DICOM and NIfTI Data Standards in R, Journal of Statistical Software, 44 (6), 1--28. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v44/i06
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) http://medical.nema.org