Inspired by the Lassen plot (Cunningham et al., 2010) this is a straightforward graphical summary of pre-treatment versus post-treatment binding potentials for a single subject across multiple brain regions.
lty45 = 2,
lty = 1,
lwd45 = 2,
lwd = 3,
col45 = "darkgrey",
col = "orange",
pch = 1,
cex = 1,
xlim = range(0, base, 0.5),
ylim = range(0, drug, 0.5),
xlab = expression(BP[ND]^{
ylab = expression(BP[ND]^{
A plot is shown, NULL is returned
is the vector of baseline binding potentials across brain regions.
is the vector of post-treatment binding potentials across brain regions.
is the line type for the 45-degree line.
is the line type for the estimated regression line.
is the line width for the 45-degree line.
is the line width for the estimated regression line.
is the color for the 45-degree line.
is the color for the estimated regression line.
is the plotting character symbol.
is the size of the plotting symbol.
is the range of values on the x-axis.
is the range of values on the y-axis.
is the label on the x-axis.
is the label on the y-axis.
additional arguments to be passed to the plot
Brandon Whitcher
See the reference below.
Cunningham VJ, Rabiner EA, Slifstein M, Laruelle M (2010). Measuring drug occupancy in the absence of a reference region: the Lassen plot re-visited, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metababolism, 30, 46-50.