A string describing the sp-object; see
Details section
A valid CRS object; default
value is given by osm_crs-function
Should the result list be simplified to
one element if possible?
A list of one or more sp objects; see Details
Depending on the strings given in what the
osmar object will be converted into in a
list of objects given by the sp-package:
what = "points"
the object will be
converted in a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
The data slot is filled with the attrs slot of
what = "lines"
the object will be converted
in a SpatialLinesDataFrame. It is build
with all possible elements which are in obj$waysobj$relations. The data slot is filled with
elements of both.
what = "polygons"
the object will be
converted in a
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. It consists
of elements which are in obj$ways slot.
Every conversion needs at least a non-empty
obj$nodes$attrs-slot because spatial information
are stored in there.