- otutab
A OTU table of microbial community, which must contain a taxonomic column (if siteInCol) or row (if site in rows). The otu table can be given in numeric counts or in relative abundance.
- taxto
numeric, collapse the otutable at the taxonomic level which start position (index) from the left of taxonomy. For example, in "Archaea; Euryarchaeota; Methanomicrobia; Methanomicrobiales; Methanoregulaceae", the indices of "Euryarchaeota" and "Methanomicrobiales" are 2 and 4, respectively.
- siteInCol
Logical, if "TRUE", the OTU table contains samples in columns and taxa in rows. The function will decide whether to transpose the otu table based on this parameter.
- taxhead
Character, specify the header of taxonomy. By default we assume your taxonomic column is entitled "taxonomy".
- pattern
Character, specify the separation of taxonomy. By default, the taxonomy is separated by semicolon (";").
- collap
Character, tell the function about the separation for the hierarchical order in the output.