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pROC (version 1.10.0)

plot.ci: Plot confidence intervals


This function adds confidence intervals to a ROC curve plot, either as bars or as a confidence shape.


# S3 method for ci.thresholds
plot(x, length=.01*ifelse(attr(x,
  "roc")$percent, 100, 1), col=par("fg"), ...)
# S3 method for ci.sp
plot(x, type=c("bars", "shape"), length=.01*ifelse(attr(x,
"roc")$percent, 100, 1), col=ifelse(type=="bars", par("fg"),
"gainsboro"), no.roc=FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for ci.se
plot(x, type=c("bars", "shape"), length=.01*ifelse(attr(x,
"roc")$percent, 100, 1), col=ifelse(type=="bars", par("fg"),
"gainsboro"), no.roc=FALSE, ...)



a confidence interval object from the functions ci.thresholds, ci.se or ci.sp.


type of plot, “bars” or “shape”. Can be shortened to “b” or “s”. “shape” is only available for ci.se and ci.sp, not for ci.thresholds.


the length (as plot coordinates) of the bar ticks. Only if type="bars".


if FALSE, the ROC line is re-added over the shape. Otherwise if TRUE, only the shape is plotted. Ignored if type="bars"


color of the bars or shape.

further arguments for segments (if type="bars") or polygon (if type="shape").


This function returns the confidence interval object invisibly.


With type="shape", the warning “Low definition shape” is issued when the shape is defined by less than 15 confidence intervals. In such a case, the shape is not well defined and the ROC curve could pass outside the shape. To get a better shape, increase the number of intervals, for example with:

plot(ci.sp(rocobj, sensitivities=seq(0, 1, .01)), type="shape")


This function adds confidence intervals to a ROC curve plot, either as bars or as a confidence shape, depending on the state of the type argument. The shape is plotted over the ROC curve, so that the curve is re-plotted unless no.roc=TRUE.

Graphical functions are called with suppressWarnings.


Xavier Robin, Natacha Turck, Alexandre Hainard, et al. (2011) ``pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves''. BMC Bioinformatics, 7, 77. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-77.

See Also

plot.roc, ci.thresholds, ci.sp, ci.se


Run this code

# Start a ROC plot
rocobj <- plot.roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b)
# Thresholds
ci.thresolds.obj <- ci.thresholds(rocobj)
# Specificities
plot(rocobj) # restart a new plot
ci.sp.obj <- ci.sp(rocobj, boot.n=500)
# Sensitivities
plot(rocobj) # restart a new plot
ci.se.obj <- ci(rocobj, of="se", boot.n=500)

# Plotting a shape. We need more
ci.sp.obj <- ci.sp(rocobj, sensitivities=seq(0, 1, .01), boot.n=100)
plot(rocobj) # restart a new plot
plot(ci.sp.obj, type="shape", col="blue")

# Direct syntax (response, predictor):
plot.roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b,
         ci=TRUE, of="thresholds")

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