The function performs two sample tests for the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem. The hypothesis tested is $$H_0: p(x,y)=1/2$$, where
p(x,y) denotes the relative effect of 2 independent samples x and y. Further, confidence intervals for the relative effect p(x,y) are computed. For the computation of p-values as well as confidence limits,
a standard normal or Satterthwaite t-approximation can be used directly on the scale of the relative effects (method "normal",""). Based on these methods, the intervals may have bounds outside [0,1] for extreme results.
Alternatively variance stabilising transformations (Probit and Logit) may be used in combination with normal approximation (methods "logit", and "probit").
If the samples are completely separated, the variance estimator is zero by construction. In this case, estimated relative effects 0 or 1 are replaced with 0.001, 0.999 respectively. The variance estimator is replaced as described in Neubert and Brunner (2006).