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paleomorph (version 0.1.4)

plotSpecimens: Plot an array of specimen landmark data in an interactive 3D frame


This function requires the rgl package. Given a N x 3 x M array (where M is the number of specimens and N is the number of landmarks), as used elsewhere in this package, plot each specimen in a different colour in an intereactive 3D frame.


plotSpecimens(A, l1 = NULL, midlineSpecimens = NULL, cols = NULL,
  bySpecimen = TRUE, planeOptions = NULL, ...)


An N x 3 x M array.
Optional vector of indices for which landmarks to use to make a specimen midline. If NULL, no midline plane is plotted.
Numeric vector indicating which specimens should be used to built the midline plane. If NULL, but l1 is defined, all specimens are used.
A vector of colours.
Logical that determined whether points should be coloured by specimen (default) or by landmark.
Named list of parameters passed to rgl.material to control the appearence of plotted mirror planes.
Further parameters passed to plot3d.

See Also

plot3d mirrorfill planes3d rgl.material


Run this code
A <- array(rep(rnorm(3 * 20, sd = 30), by = 6) + rnorm(6 * 20 * 3), 
       dim = c(20, 3, 6))

plotSpecimens(A, bySpecimen = FALSE)

plotSpecimens(A, cols = grey(seq(0, 1, length.out = 6)))

plotSpecimens(A, l1 = c(1:4), planeOptions = list(alpha = 0.4, color = 'red'))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab