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papaja (version 0.1.2)

apa_num: Typeset Numerical Values for Printing and Reporting


Converts numerical values to character strings for printing and reporting.


apa_num(x, ...)

printnum(x, ...)

print_num(x, ...)

# S3 method for default apa_num(x, na_string = getOption("papaja.na_string"), ...)

# S3 method for list apa_num(x, ...)

# S3 method for integer apa_num( x, numerals = TRUE, capitalize = FALSE, zero_string = "no", na_string = getOption("papaja.na_string"), ... )

# S3 method for numeric apa_num( x, gt1 = TRUE, zero = TRUE, na_string = getOption("papaja.na_string"), use_math = TRUE, add_equals = FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for data.frame apa_num(x, margin = 2, ...)

# S3 method for matrix apa_num(x, margin = 2, ...)

# S3 method for tiny_labelled apa_num(x, ...)


An object of the same class as x with all numeric values converted to character.



Can be either a single value, vector, matrix, data.frame.


Arguments passed on to base::formatC


the desired number of digits after the decimal point (format = "f") or significant digits (format = "g", = "e" or = "fg").

Default: 2 for integer, 4 for real numbers. If less than 0, the C default of 6 digits is used. If specified as more than 50, 50 will be used with a warning unless format = "f" where it is limited to typically 324. (Not more than 15--21 digits need be accurate, depending on the OS and compiler used. This limit is just a precaution against segfaults in the underlying C runtime.)


the total field width; if both digits and width are unspecified, width defaults to 1, otherwise to digits + 1. width = 0 will use width = digits, width < 0 means left justify the number in this field (equivalent to flag = "-"). If necessary, the result will have more characters than width. For character data this is interpreted in characters (not bytes nor display width).


equal to "d" (for integers), "f", "e", "E", "g", "G", "fg" (for reals), or "s" (for strings). Default is "d" for integers, "g" for reals.

"f" gives numbers in the usual xxx.xxx format; "e" and "E" give n.ddde+nn or n.dddE+nn (scientific format); "g" and "G" put x[i] into scientific format only if it saves space to do so and drop trailing zeros and decimal point - unless flag contains "#" which keeps trailing zeros for the "g", "G" formats.

"fg" (our own hybrid format) uses fixed format as "f", but digits as the minimum number of significant digits. This can lead to quite long result strings, see examples below. Note that unlike signif this prints large numbers with more significant digits than digits. Trailing zeros are dropped in this format, unless flag contains "#".


for formatC, a character string giving a format modifier as in Kernighan and Ritchie (1988, page 243) or the C+99 standard.


pads leading zeros;


does left adjustment,


ensures a sign in all cases, i.e., "+" for positive numbers ,

" "

if the first character is not a sign, the space character " " will be used instead.


specifies “an alternative output form”, specifically depending on format.


on some platform--locale combination, activates “thousands' grouping” for decimal conversion,


in some versions of glibc allow for integer conversion to use the locale's alternative output digits, if any.

There can be more than one of these flags, in any order. Other characters used to have no effect for character formatting, but signal an error since R 3.4.0.


"double" (or "real"), "integer" or "character". Default: Determined from the storage mode of x.


character; if not empty used as mark between every big.interval decimals before (hence big) the decimal point.


see big.mark above; defaults to 3.


character; if not empty used as mark between every small.interval decimals after (hence small) the decimal point.


see small.mark above; defaults to 5.


the character to be used to indicate the numeric decimal point.


string specifying if the string widths should be preserved where possible in those cases where marks (big.mark or small.mark) are added. "common", the default, corresponds to format-like behavior whereas "individual" is the default in formatC(). Value can be abbreviated.


logical, character string or NULL specifying if and how zeros should be formatted specially. Useful for pretty printing ‘sparse’ objects.


logical, indicating if trailing zeros, i.e., "0" after the decimal mark, should be removed; also drops "e+00" in exponential formats. This is simply passed to prettyNum(), see the ‘Details’.


Character. String to print if any element of x is NA.


Logical. Indicates if integers should be converted to words.


Logical. Indicates if first letter should be capitalized. Ignored if numerals = TRUE.


Character. Word to print if x is a zero integer.


Logical. Indicates if the statistic can, in principle, have an absolute value greater than 1. If FALSE, leading zeros are omitted.


Logical. Indicates if the statistic can, in principle, be 0. If FALSE, a string of the form < 0.001 is returned instead of 0.


Logical. Indicates whether to use $ in the output so that Inf or scientific notation is rendered correctly.


Logical. Indicates if the output string should be prepended with an =.


Integer. If x is a matrix or data.frame, the function is applied either across rows (margin = 1) or columns (margin = 2). See apply().


If x is a vector, all arguments can be vectors according to which each element of the vector is formatted. Parameters are recycled if length of x exceeds the length of the parameter vectors. If x is a matrix or data.frame, the vectors specify the formatting of either rows or columns according to the value of margin.

We recommend to use apa_num(), rather than printnum() or print_num(), which are aliases kept only for backward compatibility.

See Also

apa_p(), apa_df()


Run this code
apa_num(1/3, gt1 = FALSE)
apa_num(1/3, digits = 5)

apa_num(0, zero = FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab