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papaja (version 0.1.2)

apa_print.papaja_wsci: Typeset Within-Subjects Confidence Intervals


This method takes an output object from wsci and creates a table and character strings to report means and within-subjects confidence intervals in a table or in text.


# S3 method for papaja_wsci
apa_print(x, ...)


apa_print()-methods return a named list of class apa_results containing the following elements:


One or more character strings giving point estimates, confidence intervals, and confidence level. A single string is returned in a vector; multiple strings are returned as a named list. If no estimate is available the element is NULL.


One or more character strings giving the test statistic, parameters (e.g., degrees of freedom), and p-value. A single string is returned in a vector; multiple strings are returned as a named list. If no estimate is available the element is NULL.


One or more character strings comprised `estimate` and `statistic`. A single string is returned in a vector; multiple strings are returned as a named list.


A data.frame of class apa_results_table that contains all elements of estimate and statistics. This table can be passed to apa_table() for reporting.

Column names in apa_results_table are standardized following the broom glossary (e.g., term, estimate

conf.int, statistic, df, df.residual, p.value). Additionally, each column is labelled (e.g., $\hat{\eta}^2_G$ or $t$) using the tinylabels package and these labels are used as column names when an apa_results_table is passed to apa_table().



An object of class papaja_wsci.


Arguments passed on to apa_num