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papaja (version 0.1.2)

glue_apa_results: Create a New apa_results Object


Typeset the contents of an object according to the specified expression strings and create a new or extend an existing apa_results object.


glue_apa_results(x = NULL, term_names = NULL, ...)

add_glue_to_apa_results( ..., est_glue, stat_glue, container, sublist = NULL, term_names = NULL, in_paren = FALSE, est_first = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )


Returns a list of class apa_results, see apa_print().



An environment, list or data frame used to look up values for substitution.


Character. Used as names for the estimate-, statistics-, and full_result sub-lists, if multiple estimates or statistics are glued. Defaults to attr(x, "sanitized_term_names").


Unnamed arguments are taken to be expression string(s) to format. Multiple inputs are concatenated together before formatting. Named arguments are taken to be temporary variables available for substitution.


Character. (Named vector of) expressions string(s) to format. Each string creates a new (named) element in the estimate sub-list.


Character. (Named vector of) expressions string(s) to format. Each string creates a new (named) element in the statistic sub-list.


List of class apa_results to add the glued results to.


Character. Name of (new) sub-list in estimate statistics, and full_result to append glued results to (e.g., modelfit).


Logical. Whether the formatted string is to be reported in parentheses. If TRUE, parentheses in the formatted string (e.g., those enclosing degrees of freedom) are replaced with brackets.


Logical. Determines in which order estimate and statistic are glued together to full_result.


Logical. Determines whether the estimate, statistic, and full_result sub-lists should be simplified if only one term is available from the model object.


Run this code
# Tidy and typeset output
iris_lm <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width, iris)
tidy_iris_lm <- broom::tidy(iris_lm, conf.int = TRUE)
tidy_iris_lm$p.value <- apa_p(tidy_iris_lm$p.value)

glance_iris_lm <- broom::glance(iris_lm)
glance_iris_lm$p.value <- apa_p(glance_iris_lm$p.value, add_equals = TRUE)
glance_iris_lm$df <- apa_num(as.integer(glance_iris_lm$df))
glance_iris_lm$df.residual <- apa_num(as.integer(glance_iris_lm$df.residual))

# Create `apa_results`-list
lm_results <- glue_apa_results(
    x = tidy_iris_lm
    , df = glance_iris_lm$df.residual
    , est_glue = "$b = <>, 95% CI $[<>,~<>]$"
    , stat_glue = "$t(<>) = <>$, $p <>$"
    , term_names = make.names(names(coef(iris_lm)))

# Add modelfit information
    .x = glance_iris_lm
    , container = lm_results
    , sublist = "modelfit"
    , est_glue = c(
        r2 = "$R^2 = <>$"
        , aic = ""
    , stat_glue = c(
        r2 = "$F(<>, <>) = <>$, $p <>$"
        , aic = "$\\mathrm{AIC} = <>$"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab