# \donttest{
data <- iris[1:4]
rez1 <- cluster_analysis(data, n = 2, method = "kmeans")
rez2 <- cluster_analysis(data, n = 3, method = "kmeans")
rez3 <- cluster_analysis(data, n = 6, method = "kmeans")
list_of_clusters <- list(rez1, rez2, rez3)
m <- cluster_meta(list_of_clusters)
# Visualize matrix without reordering
heatmap(m, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, scale = "none") # Without reordering
# Reordered heatmap
heatmap(m, scale = "none")
# Extract 3 clusters
predict(m, n = 3)
# Convert to dissimilarity
d <- as.dist(abs(m - 1))
model <- hclust(d)
plot(model, hang = -1)
# }
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