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tsd: Decomposition of one or several regular time series using various methods


Use a decomposition method to split the series into two or more components. Decomposition methods are either series filtering/smoothing (difference, average, median, evf), deseasoning (loess) or model-based decomposition (reg, i.e., regression).


tsd(x, specs=NULL, method="loess",
    type=if (method == "census") "multiplicative" else "additive",
    lag=1, axes=1:5, order=1, times=1, sides=2, ends="fill", weights=NULL,
    s.window=NULL, s.degree=0, t.window=NULL, t.degree=2, robust=FALSE,
    trend=FALSE, xreg=NULL)
# S3 method for tsd
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for tsd
summary(object, ...)
# S3 method for summary.tsd
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for tsd
plot(x, series=1, stack=TRUE, resid=TRUE, col=par("col"),
    lty=par("lty"), labels=dimnames(X)[[2]], leg=TRUE, lpos=c(0, 0), xlab="time",
    ylab="series", main=paste("Series decomposition by", x$specs$method, "-",
    x$specs$type), ...)
# S3 method for tsd
extract(e, n, series=NULL, components=NULL, ...)
# S3 method for tsd
specs(x, ...)
# S3 method for specs.tsd
print(x, ...)


An object of type 'tsd' is returned. It has methods print(),

summary(), plot(), extract() and specs().



an univariate or multivariate regular time series ('ts' object) to be decomposed for tsd(), or a 'tsd' object for the methods


specifications are collected from a 'tsd' object, using the specs method. This allows for reusing parameters issued from a previous similar analysis


the method to use to decompose the time series. Currently, possible values are: "diff", "average", "median", "evf", "reg", "loess" (by default) or "census". The corresponding function decXXXX() is applied to each of the series in x


the type of model to use: either "additive" (by default) or "multiplicative". In the additive model, all components must be added to reconstruct the initial series. In the multiplicative model, they must be multiplied (one components has the same unit as the original series, and the other ones are dimensionless multiplicative factors)


The lag between the two observations used to calculate differences. By default, lag=1


the number of axes to show in the plot


(1) for the method 'difference': the order of the difference corresponds to the number of times it is applied, by default order=1, (2) for the method 'average': the order of the moving average (the window of the average being 2*order+1), centered around the current observation or at left of this observation depending upon the value of the sides argument. Weights are the same for all observations within the window. However, if the argument weights is provided, it supersedes order. One can also use order="periodic". In this case, a deseasoning filter is calculated according to the value of frequency


The number of times to apply the method (by default, once)


If 2 (by default), the window is centered around the current observation. If 1, the window is at left of the current observation (including it)


either "NAs" (fill first and last values that are not calculable with NAs), or "fill" (fill them with the average of observations before applying the filter, by default), or "circular" (use last values for estimating first ones and vice versa), or "periodic" (use entire periods of contiguous cycles, deseasoning)


a vector indicating weight to give to all observations in the window. This argument has the priority over order


the width of the window used to extract the seasonal component. Use an odd value equal or just larger than the number of annual values (frequency of the time series). Use another value to extract other cycles (circadian, lunar,...). Using s.window="periodic" ensures a correct value for extracting a seasonal component when the time scale is in years units


the order of the polynome to use to extract the seasonal component (0 or 1). By default s.degree=0


the width of the window to use to extract the general trend when trend=TRUE (indicate an odd value). If this parameter is not provided, a reasonable value is first calculated, and then used by the algorithm.


the order of the polynome to use to extract the general trend (0, 1 or 2). By default t.degree=2


if TRUE a robust regression method is used. Otherwise (FALSE), by default, a classical least-square regression is used


If TRUE a trend is calculated (under R only). Otherwise, the series is decomposed into a seasonal component and residuals only


a second regular time series or a vector of the same length as x with corresponding values from the regression model


a 'tsd' object as returned by the function tsd(), or any of the decXXXX() functions


a 'tsd' object as returned by the function tsd(), or any of the decXXXX() functions


(1) for plot(): the series to plot. By default, series=1, the first (or possibly unique) series in the 'tsd' object is plotted. (2) for extract: the name or the index of the series to extract. If series is provided, then n is ignored. By default, series=NULL. It is also possible to use negative indices. In this case, all series are extracted, except those ones


graphs of each component are either stacked (stack=TRUE, by default), or superposed on the same graph stack=FALSE


do we have to plot also the "residuals" components (resid=TRUE, by default) or not? Usually, in a stacked graph, you would like to plot the residuals, while in a superposed graph, you would not


color of the plot


line type for the plot


the labels to use for all y-axes in a stacked graph, or in the legend for a superposed graph. By default, the names of the components ("trend", "seasonal", "deseasoned", "filtered", "residuals", ...) are used


only used when stack=FALSE. Do we plot a legend (leg=TRUE or not?


position of the upper-left corner of the legend box in the graph coordinates (x,y). By default, leg=c(0,0)


the label of the x-axis


the label of the y-axis


the main title of the graph


the number of series to extract (from series 1 to series n). By default, n equals the number of series in the 'tsd' object. If both series and components arguments are NULL, all series and components are extracted and this method has exactly the same effect as tseries


the names or indices of the components to extract. If components=NULL (by default), then all components of the selected series are extracted. It is also possible to specify negative indices. In this case, all components are extracted, except those ones


(1) for tsd(): further arguments to pass to the corresponding decXXXX() function. (2) for plot(): further graphical arguments, (3) unused for the other functions or methods


Frédéric Ibanez (ibanez@obs-vlfr.fr), Philippe Grosjean (phgrosjean@sciviews.org)


To eliminate trend from a series, use "diff" or use "loess" with trend=TRUE. If you know the shape of the trend (linear, exponential, periodic, etc.), you can also use it with the "reg" (regression) method. To eliminate or extract seasonal components, you can use "loess" if the seasonal component is additive, or "census" if it is multiplicative. You can also use "average" with argument order="periodic" and with either an additive or a multiplicative model, although the later method is often less powerful than "loess" or "census". If you want to extract a seasonal cycle with a given shape (for instance, a sinusoid), use the "reg" method with a fitted sinusoidal equation. If you want to identify levels in the series, use the "median" method. To smooth the series, you can use preferably the "evf" (eigenvector filtering), or the "average" methods, but you can also use "median". To extract most important components from the series (no matter if they are cycles -seasonal or not-, or long-term trends), you should use the "evf" method. For more information on each of these methods, see online help of the corresponding decXXXX() functions.


Kendall, M., 1976. Time-series. Charles Griffin & Co Ltd. 197 pp.

Laloire, J.C., 1972. Méthodes du traitement des chroniques. Dunod, Paris, 194 pp.

Legendre, L. & P. Legendre, 1984. Ecologie numérique. Tome 2: La structure des données écologiques. Masson, Paris. 335 pp.

Malinvaud, E., 1978. Méthodes statistiques de l'économétrie. Dunod, Paris. 846 pp.

Philips, L. & R. Blomme, 1973. Analyse chronologique. Université Catholique de Louvain. Vander ed. 339 pp.

See Also

tseries, decdiff, decaverage, decmedian, decevf, decreg, decloess, deccensus


Run this code
# Regulate the series and extract them as a time series object
rel.regy <- regul(releve$Day, releve[3:8], xmin=6, n=87, units="daystoyears",
        frequency=24, tol=2.2, methods="linear", datemin="21/03/1989",
rel.ts <- tseries(rel.regy)

# Decompose all series in the set with the "loess" method
rel.dec <- tsd(rel.ts, method="loess", s.window=13, trend=FALSE)
plot(rel.dec, series=5, col=1:3)    # An plot series 5

# Extract "deseasoned" components
rel.des <- extract(rel.dec, series=3:6, components="deseasoned")

# Further decompose these components with a moving average
rel.des.dec <- tsd(rel.des, method="average", order=2, times=10)
plot(rel.des.dec, series=3, col=c(2, 4, 6))
# In this case, a superposed graph is more appropriate:
plot(rel.des.dec, series=3, col=c(2,4), stack=FALSE, resid=FALSE,
        labels=c("without season cycle", "trend"), lpos=c(0, 55000))
# Extract residuals from the latter decomposition
rel.res2 <- extract(rel.des.dec, components="residuals")

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