# Single ideal 'grey' reflectance spectrum, with 50% reflectance across 300 - 700 nm.
reflect0 <- simulate_spec(ylim = c(0, 50))
# Single sigmoidal spectrum, with a low-to-high inflection at 550 nm.
reflect1 <- simulate_spec(wl_inflect = 550)
# Single Gaussian spectrum, with a peak at 400 nm
reflect2 <- simulate_spec(wl_peak = 400)
# Combination of both Gaussian (with peak at 340 nm) and sigmoidal (with inflection
# at 560 nm)
reflect3 <- simulate_spec(wl_inflect = 560, wl_peak = 340)
# Double-Gaussian peaks of differing widths
reflect4 <- simulate_spec(wl_peak = c(340, 560), width_gauss = c(12, 40))
# Complex spectrum with single sigmoidal peak and multi-Gaussian peaks
reflect5 <- simulate_spec(wl_inflect = 575, wl_peak = c(340, 430), width_gauss = c(20, 60))
# Simulate a set of Gaussian reflectance curves with peaks varying between 400-600nm
# in increments of 10, then combine into a single rspec object, and plot the result
peaks <- seq(400, 600, 10) # Peak locations
reflectances <- lapply(seq_along(peaks), function(x) simulate_spec(wl_peak = peaks[x])) # Simulate
reflectances <- Reduce(merge, reflectances) # Combine
plot(reflectances) # Plot
# Simulate a set of Gaussian reflectance curves with a single peak at 500 nm, but
# with maximum reflectance varying from 30 to 90% in 10% increments, then combine
# into a single rspec object, and plot the result
ymax <- lapply(seq(30, 90, 10), function(x) c(0, x)) # Varying reflectance maxima
reflectances2 <- lapply(ymax, function(x) simulate_spec(wl_peak = 500, ylim = x)) # Simulate
reflectances2 <- Reduce(merge, reflectances2) # Combine
plot(reflectances2) # Plot
# To simulate non-reflectance spectra (like irradiances or radiances), it's often useful
# to explore more 'extreme' parameters. Here's a simple example which simulates
# natural daylight, as represented by the D65 standard daylight spectrum.
D65_real <- procspec(sensdata(illum = 'D65'), opt = 'smooth') # Official D65 daylight spectrum
D65_sim <- simulate_spec(wl_peak = 400,
width_gauss = 1300,
skew_gauss = 10,
ylim = c(0, 1)) # Simulated D65
cor.test(D65_real$D65, D65_sim$spec_p400) # >0.99 correlation
plot(merge(D65_real, D65_sim), lty = 1:2, ylab = 'Irradiance (%)') # Merge and plot the two spectra
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