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paws.analytics (version 0.7.0)

datazone_list_domains: Lists Amazon DataZone domains


Lists Amazon DataZone domains.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/datazone_list_domains/ for full documentation.


datazone_list_domains(maxResults = NULL, nextToken = NULL, status = NULL)



The maximum number of domains to return in a single call to list_domains. When the number of domains to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to list_domains to list the next set of domains.


When the number of domains is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of domains, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to list_domains to list the next set of domains.


The status of the data source.