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quicksight: Amazon QuickSight


Amazon QuickSight API Reference

Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed, serverless business intelligence service for the Amazon Web Services Cloud that makes it easy to extend data and insights to every user in your organization. This API reference contains documentation for a programming interface that you can use to manage Amazon QuickSight.


  config = list(),
  credentials = list(),
  endpoint = NULL,
  region = NULL


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

  • credentials:

    • creds:

      • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

      • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

      • session_token: AWS temporary session token

    • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

    • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.

  • endpoint: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.

  • region: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

  • close_connection: Immediately close all HTTP connections.

  • timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.

  • s3_force_path_style: Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET/KEY.

  • sts_regional_endpoint: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-sts-regionalized-endpoints.html


Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter

  • creds:

    • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

    • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

    • session_token: AWS temporary session token

  • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

  • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.


Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.


Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

Service syntax

svc <- quicksight(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string",
      anonymous = "logical"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string",
    close_connection = "logical",
    timeout = "numeric",
    s3_force_path_style = "logical",
    sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
  credentials = list(
    creds = list(
      access_key_id = "string",
      secret_access_key = "string",
      session_token = "string"
    profile = "string",
    anonymous = "logical"
  endpoint = "string",
  region = "string"


batch_create_topic_reviewed_answerCreates new reviewed answers for a Q Topic
batch_delete_topic_reviewed_answerDeletes reviewed answers for Q Topic
cancel_ingestionCancels an ongoing ingestion of data into SPICE
create_account_customizationCreates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region
create_account_subscriptionCreates an Amazon QuickSight account, or subscribes to Amazon QuickSight Q
create_analysisCreates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight
create_dashboardCreates a dashboard from either a template or directly with a DashboardDefinition
create_data_setCreates a dataset
create_data_sourceCreates a data source
create_folderCreates an empty shared folder
create_folder_membershipAdds an asset, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset into a folder
create_groupUse the CreateGroup operation to create a group in Amazon QuickSight
create_group_membershipAdds an Amazon QuickSight user to an Amazon QuickSight group
create_iam_policy_assignmentCreates an assignment with one specified IAM policy, identified by its Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
create_ingestionCreates and starts a new SPICE ingestion for a dataset
create_namespace(Enterprise edition only) Creates a new namespace for you to use with Amazon QuickSight
create_refresh_scheduleCreates a refresh schedule for a dataset
create_role_membershipUse CreateRoleMembership to add an existing Amazon QuickSight group to an existing role
create_templateCreates a template either from a TemplateDefinition or from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or template
create_template_aliasCreates a template alias for a template
create_themeCreates a theme
create_theme_aliasCreates a theme alias for a theme
create_topicCreates a new Q topic
create_topic_refresh_scheduleCreates a topic refresh schedule
create_vpc_connectionCreates a new VPC connection
delete_account_customizationDeletes all Amazon QuickSight customizations in this Amazon Web Services Region for the specified Amazon Web Services account and Amazon QuickSight namespace
delete_account_subscriptionUse the DeleteAccountSubscription operation to delete an Amazon QuickSight account
delete_analysisDeletes an analysis from Amazon QuickSight
delete_dashboardDeletes a dashboard
delete_data_setDeletes a dataset
delete_data_set_refresh_propertiesDeletes the dataset refresh properties of the dataset
delete_data_sourceDeletes the data source permanently
delete_folderDeletes an empty folder
delete_folder_membershipRemoves an asset, such as a dashboard, analysis, or dataset, from a folder
delete_groupRemoves a user group from Amazon QuickSight
delete_group_membershipRemoves a user from a group so that the user is no longer a member of the group
delete_iam_policy_assignmentDeletes an existing IAM policy assignment
delete_identity_propagation_configDeletes all access scopes and authorized targets that are associated with a service from the Amazon QuickSight IAM Identity Center application
delete_namespaceDeletes a namespace and the users and groups that are associated with the namespace
delete_refresh_scheduleDeletes a refresh schedule from a dataset
delete_role_custom_permissionRemoves custom permissions from the role
delete_role_membershipRemoves a group from a role
delete_templateDeletes a template
delete_template_aliasDeletes the item that the specified template alias points to
delete_themeDeletes a theme
delete_theme_aliasDeletes the version of the theme that the specified theme alias points to
delete_topicDeletes a topic
delete_topic_refresh_scheduleDeletes a topic refresh schedule
delete_userDeletes the Amazon QuickSight user that is associated with the identity of the IAM user or role that's making the call
delete_user_by_principal_idDeletes a user identified by its principal ID
delete_vpc_connectionDeletes a VPC connection
describe_account_customizationDescribes the customizations associated with the provided Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Amazon QuickSight namespace in an Amazon Web Services Region
describe_account_settingsDescribes the settings that were used when your Amazon QuickSight subscription was first created in this Amazon Web Services account
describe_account_subscriptionUse the DescribeAccountSubscription operation to receive a description of an Amazon QuickSight account's subscription
describe_analysisProvides a summary of the metadata for an analysis
describe_analysis_definitionProvides a detailed description of the definition of an analysis
describe_analysis_permissionsProvides the read and write permissions for an analysis
describe_asset_bundle_export_jobDescribes an existing export job
describe_asset_bundle_import_jobDescribes an existing import job
describe_dashboardProvides a summary for a dashboard
describe_dashboard_definitionProvides a detailed description of the definition of a dashboard
describe_dashboard_permissionsDescribes read and write permissions for a dashboard
describe_dashboard_snapshot_jobDescribes an existing snapshot job
describe_dashboard_snapshot_job_resultDescribes the result of an existing snapshot job that has finished running
describe_data_setDescribes a dataset
describe_data_set_permissionsDescribes the permissions on a dataset
describe_data_set_refresh_propertiesDescribes the refresh properties of a dataset
describe_data_sourceDescribes a data source
describe_data_source_permissionsDescribes the resource permissions for a data source
describe_folderDescribes a folder
describe_folder_permissionsDescribes permissions for a folder
describe_folder_resolved_permissionsDescribes the folder resolved permissions
describe_groupReturns an Amazon QuickSight group's description and Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
describe_group_membershipUse the DescribeGroupMembership operation to determine if a user is a member of the specified group
describe_iam_policy_assignmentDescribes an existing IAM policy assignment, as specified by the assignment name
describe_ingestionDescribes a SPICE ingestion
describe_ip_restrictionProvides a summary and status of IP rules
describe_key_registrationDescribes all customer managed key registrations in a Amazon QuickSight account
describe_namespaceDescribes the current namespace
describe_refresh_scheduleProvides a summary of a refresh schedule
describe_role_custom_permissionDescribes all custom permissions that are mapped to a role
describe_templateDescribes a template's metadata
describe_template_aliasDescribes the template alias for a template
describe_template_definitionProvides a detailed description of the definition of a template
describe_template_permissionsDescribes read and write permissions on a template
describe_themeDescribes a theme
describe_theme_aliasDescribes the alias for a theme
describe_theme_permissionsDescribes the read and write permissions for a theme
describe_topicDescribes a topic
describe_topic_permissionsDescribes the permissions of a topic
describe_topic_refreshDescribes the status of a topic refresh
describe_topic_refresh_scheduleDeletes a topic refresh schedule
describe_userReturns information about a user, given the user name
describe_vpc_connectionDescribes a VPC connection
generate_embed_url_for_anonymous_userGenerates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight dashboard or visual in your website, without having to register any reader users
generate_embed_url_for_registered_userGenerates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight experience in your website
get_dashboard_embed_urlGenerates a temporary session URL and authorization code(bearer token) that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight read-only dashboard in your website or application
get_session_embed_urlGenerates a session URL and authorization code that you can use to embed the Amazon Amazon QuickSight console in your web server code
list_analysesLists Amazon QuickSight analyses that exist in the specified Amazon Web Services account
list_asset_bundle_export_jobsLists all asset bundle export jobs that have been taken place in the last 14 days
list_asset_bundle_import_jobsLists all asset bundle import jobs that have taken place in the last 14 days
list_dashboardsLists dashboards in an Amazon Web Services account
list_dashboard_versionsLists all the versions of the dashboards in the Amazon QuickSight subscription
list_data_setsLists all of the datasets belonging to the current Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region
list_data_sourcesLists data sources in current Amazon Web Services Region that belong to this Amazon Web Services account
list_folder_membersList all assets (DASHBOARD, ANALYSIS, and DATASET) in a folder
list_foldersLists all folders in an account
list_group_membershipsLists member users in a group
list_groupsLists all user groups in Amazon QuickSight
list_iam_policy_assignmentsLists the IAM policy assignments in the current Amazon QuickSight account
list_iam_policy_assignments_for_userLists all of the IAM policy assignments, including the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), for the IAM policies assigned to the specified user and group, or groups that the user belongs to
list_identity_propagation_configsLists all services and authorized targets that the Amazon QuickSight IAM Identity Center application can access
list_ingestionsLists the history of SPICE ingestions for a dataset
list_namespacesLists the namespaces for the specified Amazon Web Services account
list_refresh_schedulesLists the refresh schedules of a dataset
list_role_membershipsLists all groups that are associated with a role
list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags assigned to a resource
list_template_aliasesLists all the aliases of a template
list_templatesLists all the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account
list_template_versionsLists all the versions of the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account
list_theme_aliasesLists all the aliases of a theme
list_themesLists all the themes in the current Amazon Web Services account
list_theme_versionsLists all the versions of the themes in the current Amazon Web Services account
list_topic_refresh_schedulesLists all of the refresh schedules for a topic
list_topic_reviewed_answersLists all reviewed answers for a Q Topic
list_topicsLists all of the topics within an account
list_user_groupsLists the Amazon QuickSight groups that an Amazon QuickSight user is a member of
list_usersReturns a list of all of the Amazon QuickSight users belonging to this account
list_vpc_connectionsLists all of the VPC connections in the current set Amazon Web Services Region of an Amazon Web Services account
put_data_set_refresh_propertiesCreates or updates the dataset refresh properties for the dataset
register_userCreates an Amazon QuickSight user whose identity is associated with the Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity or role specified in the request
restore_analysisRestores an analysis
search_analysesSearches for analyses that belong to the user specified in the filter
search_dashboardsSearches for dashboards that belong to a user
search_data_setsUse the SearchDataSets operation to search for datasets that belong to an account
search_data_sourcesUse the SearchDataSources operation to search for data sources that belong to an account
search_foldersSearches the subfolders in a folder
search_groupsUse the SearchGroups operation to search groups in a specified Amazon QuickSight namespace using the supplied filters
start_asset_bundle_export_jobStarts an Asset Bundle export job
start_asset_bundle_import_jobStarts an Asset Bundle import job
start_dashboard_snapshot_jobStarts an asynchronous job that generates a snapshot of a dashboard's output
tag_resourceAssigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified Amazon QuickSight resource
untag_resourceRemoves a tag or tags from a resource
update_account_customizationUpdates Amazon QuickSight customizations for the current Amazon Web Services Region
update_account_settingsUpdates the Amazon QuickSight settings in your Amazon Web Services account
update_analysisUpdates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight
update_analysis_permissionsUpdates the read and write permissions for an analysis
update_dashboardUpdates a dashboard in an Amazon Web Services account
update_dashboard_linksUpdates the linked analyses on a dashboard
update_dashboard_permissionsUpdates read and write permissions on a dashboard
update_dashboard_published_versionUpdates the published version of a dashboard
update_data_setUpdates a dataset
update_data_set_permissionsUpdates the permissions on a dataset
update_data_sourceUpdates a data source
update_data_source_permissionsUpdates the permissions to a data source
update_folderUpdates the name of a folder
update_folder_permissionsUpdates permissions of a folder
update_groupChanges a group description
update_iam_policy_assignmentUpdates an existing IAM policy assignment
update_identity_propagation_configAdds or updates services and authorized targets to configure what the Amazon QuickSight IAM Identity Center application can access
update_ip_restrictionUpdates the content and status of IP rules
update_key_registrationUpdates a customer managed key in a Amazon QuickSight account
update_public_sharing_settingsUse the UpdatePublicSharingSettings operation to turn on or turn off the public sharing settings of an Amazon QuickSight dashboard
update_refresh_scheduleUpdates a refresh schedule for a dataset
update_role_custom_permissionUpdates the custom permissions that are associated with a role
update_spice_capacity_configurationUpdates the SPICE capacity configuration for a Amazon QuickSight account
update_templateUpdates a template from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or another template
update_template_aliasUpdates the template alias of a template
update_template_permissionsUpdates the resource permissions for a template
update_themeUpdates a theme
update_theme_aliasUpdates an alias of a theme
update_theme_permissionsUpdates the resource permissions for a theme
update_topicUpdates a topic
update_topic_permissionsUpdates the permissions of a topic
update_topic_refresh_scheduleUpdates a topic refresh schedule
update_userUpdates an Amazon QuickSight user
update_vpc_connectionUpdates a VPC connection


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
svc <- quicksight()
  Foo = 123

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab