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paws.analytics (version 0.7.0)

quicksight_start_asset_bundle_export_job: Starts an Asset Bundle export job


Starts an Asset Bundle export job.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/quicksight_start_asset_bundle_export_job/ for full documentation.


  IncludeAllDependencies = NULL,
  CloudFormationOverridePropertyConfiguration = NULL,
  IncludePermissions = NULL,
  IncludeTags = NULL,
  ValidationStrategy = NULL



[required] The ID of the Amazon Web Services account to export assets from.


[required] The ID of the job. This ID is unique while the job is running. After the job is completed, you can reuse this ID for another job.


[required] An array of resource ARNs to export. The following resources are supported.

  • Analysis

  • Dashboard

  • DataSet

  • DataSource

  • RefreshSchedule

  • Theme

  • VPCConnection

The API caller must have the necessary permissions in their IAM role to access each resource before the resources can be exported.


A Boolean that determines whether all dependencies of each resource ARN are recursively exported with the job. For example, say you provided a Dashboard ARN to the ResourceArns parameter. If you set IncludeAllDependencies to TRUE, any theme, dataset, and data source resource that is a dependency of the dashboard is also exported.


[required] The export data format.


An optional collection of structures that generate CloudFormation parameters to override the existing resource property values when the resource is exported to a new CloudFormation template.

Use this field if the ExportFormat field of a StartAssetBundleExportJobRequest API call is set to CLOUDFORMATION_JSON.


A Boolean that determines whether all permissions for each resource ARN are exported with the job. If you set IncludePermissions to TRUE, any permissions associated with each resource are exported.


A Boolean that determines whether all tags for each resource ARN are exported with the job. If you set IncludeTags to TRUE, any tags associated with each resource are exported.


An optional parameter that determines which validation strategy to use for the export job. If StrictModeForAllResources is set to TRUE, strict validation for every error is enforced. If it is set to FALSE, validation is skipped for specific UI errors that are shown as warnings. The default value for StrictModeForAllResources is FALSE.